What is the end goal?

To live off the rental income from your property portfolio? Is it possible to do this? I'm interested to know how this is done. Is anyone here financially free through their property investments?
Sorry if this has already been explained in the past, just learning :)
I live off rents, quite comfortably, sufficient to travel and do what I want. I work if a good offer comes my way, so yes it is possible but as we have all said many times its the time IN the market and I have been in the market for a very long time :D

I live off rents, quite comfortably, sufficient to travel and do what I want. I work if a good offer comes my way, so yes it is possible but as we have all said many times its the time IN the market and I have been in the market for a very long time :D


Hehe. Kudos !
An interesting question...

I suppose my end goal is to have enough equity to have a very nice PPOR with no non-deductible debt against it and deductible debt against income producing shares and property (perhaps commercial) enabling me to work part time and spend more time with my family (including extensive travelling).

Reflecting on this however, I think I've somewhat become caught up in the "game" of it - that is the fun factor (sick, yes very sick!). Because after all, my income is such that I could probably survive fine (and be above average earnings) just by working two days a week. Furthermore, by the time I hit 40 I would most likely have already come into an expected multi-million dollar inheritance which is more than enough for me.

So I'm not sure... I guess I'd like to have that nice PPOR sooner than later. I just doubt that whatever I achieve in terms of property investing will be as much as what will be coming to my wife and I in the future anyway. So the "fun of the chase" factor certainly factors high. Maybe I should develop some better hobbies!!!
to live of income (rents) for everyday expenses ... and use small amounts of equity for larger purchases like new car or extended o/seas holiday.
to live of income (rents) for everyday expenses ... and use small amounts of equity for larger purchases like new car or extended o/seas holiday.

I don't see myself stopping and selling to converting into other forms of investment. When I think about an end game it just does my head in. I think I now prefer to knuckle down and one day in the future realise what i have accumulated and THEN decide what to do with it. Seems i operate better with this train of thought. When the end is near I tend to slacken off :p