What is Your "Bucket List"? Name 5+ Things You Want To Do Before You Kick The Bucket?

"The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman opens in cinemas Thursday & I can't wait to see it. Here's a movie trailer if you're interested.


So what are 5 or more things you want to do before you kick the bucket??

Here's my top 5+ list (not in order):

1) See my best friend again
2) Fall in love again & experience this magnificent journey with them
3) Hold an exhibition of my artwork at a well-known art gallery in a capital city
4) See the world - Travel to a different part of the world each year for 6 months at a time & also photograph each place, each experience, etc
5) Design & build homes for a living & showcase them for all to see (including designing & building one unique home each year to live in)
6) Contribute to helping others less fortunate than me

My list above details a variety of things for each actual point; without being very specific. So what's the "Bucket List" for you? Be specific or a bit varied as I have. Enjoy! :)
1) Spend as much time with my wife as I can (married 22 years tommorow:)!!)
2) Swim with a great white shark (me in a cage of course)
3) Play with as many puppies as I can
4) Travel somewhere different in Australia every year
5) Travel somewhere different in the world every year
6) To inspire & help as many people to become 20% as I can
Bring up 3 well balanced and responsible young adults (now children)
Educate and inspire others to take responsibility and strive for success
Set up orphanages
Set up a foundation to help children
Buy an island freehold (must have access to wireless broadband;))
Dawn Parade Gallipoli Anzac cove.
Watch my rose garden grow.
Watch my girls grow up.
Spend more time with my Father.
Nice Thread Cairns.......

1. pass the experience of my mistakes and life lessons onto the young'uns and help em into a first home, no matter the mistakes their parents made in bringing them up........

2. reconcile reconcile reconcile.....not with world....but self....and hope others understand and do the same.

3. Teach Grace Grace Grace........tis the most profound concept in human existence......but most don't realize until.......

4. warm and fuzzies are more important than fast and furious.....
more laughter, togetherness, mateship
less solo memories in ferraris and squash courts by the sea

5. to feel love love love
love is all you need.......
1. give our duaghter the life we never had

2.travel to NZ

3. help people less fortunate then ourselves would like to setup a youth housing for young people in outback and mining areas insteadof dumping them miles away in a city which dofs do reguarly.

4.run a motel

5. buy large acreage to live on citys annoy me grew up in blackall,blackwater lol

6. teach others to do as we have

7.stay healthy
1) see my children get married
2) see my grandkids
3) do more charity work, accomplish at least one overseas mission
4) Tell my husband how much I love him and thank him for the best years of my life.
1. secure my kids future and see they are happy, healthy, & financially informed (which I wasn't until fairly late in life)
2. help less fortunate people
3. outlaw bear farming in china (they permanently insert a metal pipe in the bear's belly and extract bear bile daily !), battery hens, puppy eating in korea, and japanese whaling. How can we humans so cruel !
4. find out my next destination, hopefully it's heaven
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1. Ensure when we have kids they get a solid well rounded education (both life and academic)
2. Travel the world in an ecologically sensible fashion with kids
3. Move to our own nice little hobby farm somewhere warm year round
4. Provide my family (Dad, brother, sister etc as well as kids) with a solid financial education so they can try and make steps forward (already going well with brother)
5. Spend as much time as possible with my fiance/soon to be husband
6. If the genetics get me - beat breast cancer (mum died, grandma had it - if I get it -I'm kickin its ****)
Gosh, I'm just so impressed with everyone's lists...they are fantastic. I do hope you all get to enjoy your wishes.
I once made up a list of all the things I wanted to do before I died...twas a big list. Now I just want to find that part of me, that is contented.
1. Travel into space for a few days and view the earth from up there (Was the first real reason I wanted to be rich).

2. Build an apartment tower like Q1 (apart from making money, this would just be really satisfying).

3. Fly around suspended by a cable under a helicopter (ala Branson).

4. Produce some music and have it distributed far and wide.

5. DJ infront of 2000+ people.

Of course this is just my selfish list; There's a whole 'nother list for my journey with future wife and kids.

1. Always be around for my family (no working).

2. Travel the world and see just about everywhere.

3. Teach my kids the value of money and self-education.

4. Secure large areas of rainforest for non-development. (For a while I didn't think there was anything that I felt like contributing to society, but realised this is something good we can do for the world with our money).

5. Take more video/photos of family!
What a great question, and one that really needs pondering.
But off the top of my head.

1. Each and every day, enjoy my children while they are still children.
2. Raise the kids to become happy, kind people who follow their dreams.
3. Publish at least one children's book and one novel.
4. Be financially independant.
5. Die of old age.

1) raise articulate, intelligent and system-independant children
2) spend more quality time with my wife
3) live and operate in as many countries as possible
4) be financially independant so i can educate my children more.
5) teach people how to be financially and system independant
6) take up naturapathy
7) own a property empire
this is an old thread but my 5 items on this list are.

1, to have my daughter love as much, as i love her.
2, to never worry where the money is or isnot to cover our life style.
3, to choose to visit where and when i like, and know i can be their in a day or so.
4, to allow my brothers, to start to belive in themselves and think as i do.
5,to have my wife , be as pasionate about property/ lifestyle as i am.
Great thread.

And a very inspiring list by WW!

My list

To ensure my children turn out to be responsible compassionate and independant thinking individuals. This is very high on my list.

To spend time appreciate and understand the people in my life. This has become more and more important as I get older.

To keep fit and healthy into old age.

To become financially secure and independant in the latter years and not rely on any government handouts.

To have a true appreciation of the little things and to hopefully have no regrets.
1. Harley trip around Aus.

2. Swim with Great Whites in a cage.

3. Sail to Antarctica.

4. Tandem sky-dive with my son (and wife)

5. Pull up at the car park of the National Golf Club as Member, in my SLK 320 :D
1. Have someone (preferably a woman :)) love me as I am and for who I am.

2. Experience a white Christmas in the U.S or Europe.

3. Inspire many others to get off their “comfy couch” and have a go at achieving financial independence.

4. Improve financial literacy in schools.

5. Write an inspiring book.