whats your most usefull firefox addons

id have to say

unmht - saves multiple tabs as one single mht file
fireshot - screenshots of entire page and some basic editing of it
download status bar - displays downloads in a small bar along bottom of screen rather than the download popup window
net usage item - shows how much download i have left (although with 200gb i dont need to keep an eye on it anymore)
right to click- allows right click when its disabled
tab mix plus - better tab settings
downloadhelper - allows downloads of most videos from sites like youtube etc
Brief - great RSS feed reader
Adblock - blocks ads
Read it later - acts like a temporary bookmark folder for pages that you want to come back to, but don't want to save 'permanently'

Looks like download status bar could be added to the list ;)
i have never got into using rss
yeah have adblock plus
read it later sounds good i have a folder in bookmarks called check then delete to bookmark it for later
No script. Blocks java etc to you enable it per page.
Session manager. Saves all your windows and tabs.
Mozbackup eternal program for backing up profile in firefox and thunderbird.
Webmail notifier - checks Gmail, yahoo and some others and alerts on new email.
I haven't used ff for a while, not since it got so horrendously slow it was unusable for me. Chrome now, do the same stuff in it and its fast.
Chrome now, do the same stuff in it and its fast.

+1 on the switch to Chrome. The only downsides are that it handles RSS feeds poorly which is no biggie because I rarely use them and you probably end up handing over a whole heap more browsing history to the Googs so that they can target ads better than other browsers.
apart from what others have mentioned I also use xmarks. I use multiple laptops at home so this add-on allows me to keep tabs uniform between computers by storing them offsite and automatically updating bookmarks every time i log on.
Speed Dial - If you jump around heaps of websites on a regular basis - this is for you. Displays multiple websites per page called a group. You can have multiple tabs as well each holding multiple websites. The possibilities are endless. So you can have tabs such as Home Page, Investment, Sport etc with mulitple websites on each tab.
McAfee Secure Search but also have a safe search feature in AVG toolbar as well. Let's me know what sites are safe to open.
XMarks - saves bookmarks list off site.
Fireshot - screen capture and editing.
Reminder Fox - A reminder utility

Add Ons in the search bar -
IMDB (to check out movies)
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apart from what others have mentioned I also use xmarks. I use multiple laptops at home so this add-on allows me to keep tabs uniform between computers by storing them offsite and automatically updating bookmarks every time i log on.

i use the built in firefox sync
Chrome is fast but it has privacy issues, when you install and agree to the terms, it lets Chrome send every URL you visit, every search term you ever search for and every form you fill in (unless going through SSL) gets sent to Google.

I would trust Google, but not their employees. There was a report some time back where a Google employee went to jail, basically he tried to impress a girl he met online by digging up all the search terms she ever searched for, all her chat discussions, home addresses/phone numbers etc because she had used Google previously... So there you go, all good if you trust Google, but if a friend of yours works for Google, he/she can dig up anything you've ever visited/searched for by ip address, session, computer host name, mac address (mac addresses never change unless you change your computer network card/router) etc!
who cares how fast your browser is if it cant function
im happy with the speed of firefox i like the addons to make my life easier
If you're house hunting in the UK then Property Bee is fantastic.

It tracks what users have seen as property prices, and if you're on a site such as Rightmove (the local equivalent of Realestate.com.au) it'll give you a history of when a place was first seen, and previous prices.
I decided to give Adblock a go, it does make loading of pages from sites with heaps of adds quite a bit faster.

Good example would be SMH, dreadful website, I don't mind banner adds but when you get 4 or 5 moving adds it really slows down the page loading.

It is particularly noticeable when using the back button, returning to previous page or home page is quite brisk now.
