why are there so many men stopping traffic to help buildings go up faster?

does it bother anyone else or is it just me the increasing number of times we are stopped actually all traffic is stopped, so developments can take priority to people trying to get to work or go about their day?

If u r the person doing the development its great. but surely its not totally a safety issue why traffic is stopped to let so many trucks, deliveries or who knows what take precedence in a development blocking people trying to drive.
does it bother anyone else that they have this sort of priority and control of our roads at any time of day ?

I guess another pet peeve is why councils sometimes make decisions that effect us being able to drive on roads. I thought roads are for driving on, yet clearly this is not true , the way some councils fills some normal suburban streets inexplicably with speed humps or traffic islands.
When they put traffic islands at the end of a street only allowing one lane of traffic it means that if you are stuck behind a right turning vehicle you could be waiting ages. why they block some lanes so u cant aswell turn left and not be blocked , on just normal streets, stuns me. does this bother anyone else- the decisions council makes for streets that means that they are no longer for easily driving on, which is what i thought streets are for. I know the excuse is its safety but i've been living in this area for decades and it surprises me the decisions and changes council sometimes thinks up, that then us drivers have to live with for decades after that impede smooth driving on average not dangerous roads.

does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?
personally I love developments, it's a sign of prosperity, wealth and growth in the area. I don't need to be part of a development to benefit from the uplift that it will do for my properties around the corner.

Yes roads are for driving but slowing down to smell the wealth is a great thing too. :D
personally I love developments, it's a sign of prosperity, wealth and growth in the area. I don't need to be part of a development to benefit from the uplift that it will do for my properties around the corner.

Yes roads are for driving but slowing down to smell the wealth is a great thing too. :D

Nope, I'm 100% with the OP, it's something I've noticed too.

Xenia, the only thing I'm smelling as I'm stuck in traffic is the disgusting stench coming from the fat, hairy lollypop man in the ill-fitting orange vest with the cigarette hanging from his mouth who suddenly apparently has the right to overrule all the road regulations and park himself in the middle of the road at peak hour.

The aforementioned fat bloke's developer boss becoming prosperous through his selfishness at the expense of lawful road users being a good thing? Spare me.
Ah, traffic islands. My street is very very wide and is full of them. They really restrict the amount of off-street parking there is, and where houses can have driveways.

They were put there for the sawmill. The sawmill hasn't been on our street for YEARS. So council is slowly removing them everytime someone requests a new driveway.

Anyway, we had half of the main street closed a few weeks ago for an ambulance. Cops at each end stopping cars from getting onto the street, for some time too. Is that complaintworthy too?
does it bother anyone else or is it just me the increasing number of times we are stopped actually all traffic is stopped, so developments can take priority to people trying to get to work or go about their day?

If u r the person doing the development its great. but surely its not totally a safety issue why traffic is stopped to let so many trucks, deliveries or who knows what take precedence in a development blocking people trying to drive.
does it bother anyone else that they have this sort of priority and control of our roads at any time of day ?

I guess another pet peeve is why councils sometimes make decisions that effect us being able to drive on roads. I thought roads are for driving on, yet clearly this is not true , the way some councils fills some normal suburban streets inexplicably with speed humps or traffic islands.
When they put traffic islands at the end of a street only allowing one lane of traffic it means that if you are stuck behind a right turning vehicle you could be waiting ages. why they block some lanes so u cant aswell turn left and not be blocked , on just normal streets, stuns me. does this bother anyone else- the decisions council makes for streets that means that they are no longer for easily driving on, which is what i thought streets are for. I know the excuse is its safety but i've been living in this area for decades and it surprises me the decisions and changes council sometimes thinks up, that then us drivers have to live with for decades after that impede smooth driving on average not dangerous roads.

does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?

Having worked on construction sites half my life driving concrete trucks have you ever though that the reason passenger vehicles are often stopped is so that idiot passenger vehicle drivers dont go under a heavy vehicle or create an accident ?...you have no idea unless you have driven a heavy vehicle what idiots on the road can do................female drivers taking their spoilt brats to school in their latest model landcruiser or lexus would rank highly as contemptible on my list, especially the ones who spend more time looking backwards at the back seat than looking ahead on the road.

Its not a pretty sight to see a car with its roof peeled off and the driver or passenger decapitated because of inattentiveness.

Better to cost you a few minutes than your life...........

Be patient when driving or catch public transport, simple...

Dont bag truckies, most are very good, just a few cowboys in the ranks..

Construction sites can be a hazzard for both trucks and normal vehicles..bettter to play it safe in my opinion.....just chill and check your lipstick while stopped! :)
does it bother anyone else or is it just me the increasing number of times we are stopped actually all traffic is stopped, so developments can take priority to people trying to get to work or go about their day?

If u r the person doing the development its great. but surely its not totally a safety issue why traffic is stopped to let so many trucks, deliveries or who knows what take precedence in a development blocking people trying to drive.
does it bother anyone else that they have this sort of priority and control of our roads at any time of day ?

You're not playing with a full deck, are you?
On the left of me, 4 houses are about to be demolished (this week) to make way for 21 units. Right next door to that, 6 4 story townhouses are going up and to the right and 3 doors down (and behind us) is a massive 10 story apartment building project. It's MENTAL. It's a quiet back street normally, but chaos reigns daily at the moment.

  • The hardest part is that there's never any street parking due to all the trucks.
  • The funniest part is watching the crazy neighbour scream at the workmen for making the street 'filthy'
  • The worst part is feeling the house shake and hearing jackhammers at 7am
  • The best part is knowing that almost everything that could be developed, is being developed all at the same time so the chaos will become peaceful - eventually
  • The most interesting part is noticing that an apartment just around the corner (just off Bridge Road in Richmond) has been available for lease for 3 months now. Seriously... who would want to rent it amidst all this chaos?
  • The most relieving part is knowing that we're not moving for many years and when we finally decide to rent out our former PPOR it will be a lovely street full of nice looking new buildings and (hopefully) peaceful again
*chop chop*
When they put traffic islands at the end of a street only allowing one lane of traffic it means that if you are stuck behind a right turning vehicle you could be waiting ages. why they block some lanes so u cant aswell turn left and not be blocked , on just normal streets, stuns me. does this bother anyone else- the decisions council makes for streets that means that they are no longer for easily driving on, which is what i thought streets are for. I know the excuse is its safety but i've been living in this area for decades and it surprises me the decisions and changes council sometimes thinks up, that then us drivers have to live with for decades after that impede smooth driving on average not dangerous roads.

does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?

I agree with some of this. How about this... on most of the offramps on the new Geelong bypass, they have RED LEFT TURN ARROWS!! This is onto country thoroughfares (most 60-70km/h) where you can see for at least 250m.

I loved it when I was driving in the US and Guam; turn right (our turn left) on a red light!! Traffic just seemed to flow so much better.

I don' t know who's responsible (council, Vicroads?) but someone must have had a heap of spare red right turn arrows, coz every 2nd intersection is getting hit with them - even when the road is straight and flat and you can see halfway to next week. :( So instead of helping the traffic flow, and get people off the road quicker, reducing pollution, they get us to sit and wait at arrows...

<gets off soapbox> Sorry, my button got pressed.
does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?
Nah! They are there so the garbos can pick up your rubbish, the posty deliver your mail, the ambos can pick you up when you've had a heart attack, your neighbours can roar past your house when they are late for work.

Why do you ask?
does it bother anyone else or is it just me the increasing number of times we are stopped actually all traffic is stopped, so developments can take priority to people trying to get to work or go about their day?

does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?

It's almost always other cars stopping me and others around me because there are a lot more drivers on the road now.

Should they be there when I have more important places to get to and I was there first ;).
One cannot go throughout one's life worrying about this sort of stuff. Put energy into the important things!

Totally agree, but this is such a great forum to have a whinge about almost.........anything. And once someone does it seems to be contagious even if it makes absolutely no sense.

some of these posts are just hilarious. search for the one on property investment seminar or something like that. Just gold!
why they block some lanes so u cant aswell turn left and not be blocked , on just normal streets, stuns me. does this bother anyone else- the decisions council makes for streets that means that they are no longer for easily driving on, which is what i thought streets are for. I know the excuse is its safety but i've been living in this area for decades and it surprises me the decisions and changes council sometimes thinks up,
You must live in a upmarket area,and with the way you think why not run for the local council and change the system..
There's too many cows on the road too. And why do cows have to be there when I want to move my big farm gear about? They are just a nuisance, think they own the road and use it as a toilet, crapping everywhere, then it gets on my windscreen when I go past. An if you happen to hit one? Crikey!!!, stuff goes everywhere. Roos are better'n cows, at least roos get out of the way and they often jump over, or just go under with hardly even a bump, and hitting a roo is no worries, long as you have a decent roo-buster, but not cows.

See ya's.
the only thing I'm smelling as I'm stuck in traffic is the disgusting stench coming from the fat, hairy lollypop man in the ill-fitting orange vest with the cigarette hanging from his mouth

I've never read such an outrageous olfactoryist / lardist / nicotinist comment before.

I won't stand for it Mr Farkus. I'm deeply insulted.

Some of my closest friends just happen to be smelly, fat and smoke Gordon. It's not their fault they were born that way. If you opened your tiny mind, you'd discover they are deep down some of the nicest people you'll ever know.

Long live the smelly people.
Long live the fat people.
Long live the smokers.

I'm appalled.
does it bother anyone else or is it just me the increasing number of times we are stopped actually all traffic is stopped, so developments can take priority to people trying to get to work or go about their day?

If u r the person doing the development its great. but surely its not totally a safety issue why traffic is stopped to let so many trucks, deliveries or who knows what take precedence in a development blocking people trying to drive.
does it bother anyone else that they have this sort of priority and control of our roads at any time of day ?

I guess another pet peeve is why councils sometimes make decisions that effect us being able to drive on roads. I thought roads are for driving on, yet clearly this is not true , the way some councils fills some normal suburban streets inexplicably with speed humps or traffic islands.
When they put traffic islands at the end of a street only allowing one lane of traffic it means that if you are stuck behind a right turning vehicle you could be waiting ages. why they block some lanes so u cant aswell turn left and not be blocked , on just normal streets, stuns me. does this bother anyone else- the decisions council makes for streets that means that they are no longer for easily driving on, which is what i thought streets are for. I know the excuse is its safety but i've been living in this area for decades and it surprises me the decisions and changes council sometimes thinks up, that then us drivers have to live with for decades after that impede smooth driving on average not dangerous roads.

does anyone else think roads are meant to actually be for driving on?

Road safety is a very high priority for society and government.

Must be that time of month.
Xenia's comment is interesting.

Reminded me of time I was complaining to a client (a carpenter turned builder) about how it was difficult to concentrate with the noise from jackhammers from a nearby developement.

His reply was are you kidding, the sound of jackhammers is like music to his ears. He'd much rather jackhammers than silence that comes with a recession.
some of us just don't let things bother us ;)

How do people handle actual situations in life if they are bothered by the the smallest problem or someone else's point of view or something that is just not even in their circle of influence?

I discovered a few years ago that I needed to quickly come up with an idea, project, business to quickly give me $150,000 otherwise we would have need to sell off our latest development. I had a year to do it.

I made a decision on the spot that we are keeping the development and put a business plan together. We still have it :)

If I allowed myself to get involved in other people's problems, stuff, issues, what they think of me, their opinions or what they are doing I would have been carrying around too much emotional baggage to think clearly enough to be earning the six figure incomes that I want. That's what mindset is all about and why it is so important.

So my reasoning is that if the jack hammering bothers you do something about it. Take it to court if it's an issue and get it stopped if you can. OR let it go and move on if you can't. Whether the other person's view point is that it sounds like music and he has a preference for it is not your concern. Be proactive not reactive.