will Balarat house prices Tumble??

Now with stage 4 water restrictions
and water to run out in months
what will the property affect be
in Balarat in short or long term?

I dont think the residents of Ballarat or any where else are going to sell up in mass and move on and cause a glut in the market.Move onto where? the whole country is in a water crisis , oh except the wonderful Great North.
cheers yadreamin
As a resident I see no signs of prices tumbling, soon melbourne will be up to stage 4 water restrictions.
Median prices continue to increase. Numerous estates being developed with consistent land sales.
And in the meantime, any value differences between houses that have a nice lawn and those that don't may decrease.

If this happens, this may slightly reduce the price difference between 'nice' and 'mediocre' presentation and reduce the scope for value-adding that pays.