Wise Sayings

1) Warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertabrates of like genus are predisposed to congregating.

2) Devoting one's self to one's toil at the expense of one's recreation makes one obtuse; however, devoting one's self entirely to recreation at the expense of toil, either manual or intellectual, results in one being reduced to solely trivial matters, suitable for relatively unimportant things, having developed no social skills or sense of responsibility.

3) Scheduling your time such that you initiate your labor close to dawn, and retire before those who engage in riotous living is typically the lifestyle of those who tend toward vitality, prosperity, and erudition.

4) One two-hundred-fortieth of a pound sterling which has not been disbursed can be considered to be one two-hundred-fortieth of a pound sterling worth of wages.

5) Descry your tentative landing site prior to vaulting yourself skyward.

6) Avoid the enumeration of domestic edible fowl prior to the moment at which they emerge from their prenatal containers.

7) One complete in-and-out movement of a threaded needle as a preventative measure precludes the necessity for a nonad of the same as a remedial measure.

8) A single warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertabrate currently encircled by one's anterior digits can be considered to be equal in value to a pair of such vertabrates currently in an area overgrown with common, uncultivated plants.

Translate :confused:


1) Birds of a feather flock together
2) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
3) The early bird catches the worm
4) A penny saved is a penny earned
5) Look before you leap
6) Don't count your chickens before they have hatched
7) A stitch in time saves nine
8) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Hows that?
WaySolid said:
Hows that?

Egggcellent :D

Try this one then:

Circumscribe the Swollen Lymph Nodes:
Circumscribe, for the purpose of identification, the inflamed, swollen lymph nodes [buboes] caused by the Black Death virus, Pasturella pestis, on this patient. Also, fill a receptacle in your clothes with some kind of fragrant flowers to assist in the assuaging of the fetid odor of the disease pustules and those unfortunates who have already been overtaken by said beasties. Combustion by-products! Combustion by-products (from the burning of the deceased's personal effects, and possible also the cremation of the corpses)! Now, everyone simulate succumbing to the disease by staggering and collapsing.


Steve Navra said:
Egggcellent :D

Try this one then:

Circumscribe the Swollen Lymph Nodes:
Circumscribe, for the purpose of identification, the inflamed, swollen lymph nodes [buboes] caused by the Black Death virus, Pasturella pestis, on this patient. Also, fill a receptacle in your clothes with some kind of fragrant flowers to assist in the assuaging of the fetid odor of the disease pustules and those unfortunates who have already been overtaken by said beasties. Combustion by-products! Combustion by-products (from the burning of the deceased's personal effects, and possible also the cremation of the corpses)! Now, everyone simulate succumbing to the disease by staggering and collapsing.




Ring around the rosey,
A Pocket full of posies,
Ashes, Ashes, we all fall down!


The Joyful, Prepubescent Female and Her Pet
A particular, joyful prepubescent female owned, as a pet, an immature ruminant with whom she enjoyed a bucolic relationship, whose undercoat is hypertrophied and curly, and approximates the color of pure water, cooled in such a manner that a hexagonal crystalline structure can be formed. Each place the girl elected to proceed, she would be accompanied, invariably, by the juvenile ruminant.

One specific occurrence of this event took place at a time when the girl was approaching an educational institution which she frequented in an effort to increase her knowledge and mental capacity, while growing socially and morally. Unfortunately, the founding fathers of that particular institution had made provision for an occurrence of just this type, and had included it in the official Writ of Policy and Procedure (it may have been right around Section 3, Part 9, Paragraph XVI, which says, and I quote: "The species permitted to enter the building(s) of this hallowed institution shall be hereby limited to Homo sapiens. All other genera, species and varieties of self-motile organisms must remain without the walls." And then Paragraph XVII, which adds: "The only exception to the above restriction is limited to animal carcasses deliberately introduced as an intregral part of a class where the physiological/anatomical accoutrements of such organisms is to be analyzed."). Since these restrictions seemed to be well-known to the other pupils, it was received humorously when the pet ruminant passed through the entrance portal in the wall of its own accord, right on the heels of its master.

And more . . . :rolleyes:

Scintillate, Scintillate, Globule Vivific
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific!
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific--
Precariously poised in the ether capacious,
Closely resembling a gem carbonaceous;
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific,
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific!

Steve :)
And even more :eek:

A Miniscule Female
A miniscule female whose name brings to mind a boyfriend and a voyeur seems to have temporarily misplaced several specimens of a domesticated ruminant about which cattle ranchers have been known to have baad attitudes. At the present time, their whereabouts escapes her. Therefore, the recommended course of action--indeed, the only course of action--available to her at this time is to avoid contact with said beasties until such a time when they return to their place of caretaking of their own accord. And, undoubtedly, they will be causing their posterior appendages to oscillate as an indication of their positive state of mind and general well-being.


Steve Navra said:
And more . . . :rolleyes:

Scintillate, Scintillate, Globule Vivific
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific!
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific--
Precariously poised in the ether capacious,
Closely resembling a gem carbonaceous;
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific,
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific!

Steve :)

yeah yeah, twinkle,twinkle little star..
onya steve, I like 'em
Steve Navra said:

The Joyful, Prepubescent Female and Her Pet
A particular, joyful prepubescent female owned, as a pet, an immature ruminant with whom she enjoyed a bucolic relationship, whose undercoat is hypertrophied and curly, and approximates the color of pure water, cooled in such a manner that a hexagonal crystalline structure can be formed. Each place the girl elected to proceed, she would be accompanied, invariably, by the juvenile ruminant.

One specific occurrence of this event took place at a time when the girl was approaching an educational institution which she frequented in an effort to increase her knowledge and mental capacity, while growing socially and morally. Unfortunately, the founding fathers of that particular institution had made provision for an occurrence of just this type, and had included it in the official Writ of Policy and Procedure (it may have been right around Section 3, Part 9, Paragraph XVI, which says, and I quote: "The species permitted to enter the building(s) of this hallowed institution shall be hereby limited to Homo sapiens. All other genera, species and varieties of self-motile organisms must remain without the walls." And then Paragraph XVII, which adds: "The only exception to the above restriction is limited to animal carcasses deliberately introduced as an intregral part of a class where the physiological/anatomical accoutrements of such organisms is to be analyzed."). Since these restrictions seemed to be well-known to the other pupils, it was received humorously when the pet ruminant passed through the entrance portal in the wall of its own accord, right on the heels of its master.


Mary Had a Little Lamb


Mary had a little lamb,

Little lamb , little lamb ,

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was white as snow.


Everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went, Mary went,

Everywhere that Mary went,

The lamb was sure to go.


It followed her to school one day,

School one day, school one day,

It followed her to school one day,

Which was against the rules.


It made the children laugh and play,


Laugh and play, laugh and play,


It made the children laugh and play,

To see a lamb in school.

You guys are GOOOD :cool:

Vocalize a Musical Selection
Vocalize a musical selection extolling the virtues of a half-dozen pennies, a container made of fabric that is an integral part of an article of apparel, filled to capacity with a grain commonly utilized in the production of alcoholic beverages. Two dozen ebony-hued grackles (presumably mistaken for ingredients) were encompassed above and beneath with a thin, circular layer of raw pastry material, connected at the extremities, and then introduced into a pastry-preparing vessel shaped like a short frustum of a cone. Astonishingly, one hundred percent of the grackles survived the oven's searing temperature, as was proven by their sweet warbling upon the pastry dish's seal being violated. Now give me your honest opinion: do you not consider that delicacy to be sufficiently petite to present for consumption to His Majesty?

The senior male royalty enumerated the tokens representing the legally established negotiable commodity, while occupying a shelter designated for just that purpose. The senior female royalty was in that room of the residence set apart for the entertainment of visitors, ingesting a starchy, grain-ridden foodstuff, topped with a certain amount of a yellowish, viscid fluid utilized as an edible nutrient by some species of insects. Simultaneously, a certain previously noted female servant stood within the confines of a small agricultural plot set aside for the cultivation of flowers, fruit, and/or vegetables, busied herself with suspending (for the purpose of allowing the attendant atmospheric currents to evaporatively remove the liquid solvent used in the cleansing for further use of such garments, and which liquid yet clung to the fabric) various articles of apparel from a cord whose reason for existence is, by definition, just that. While said female servant was engaged in this pursuit, one of the aforementioned ebony-hued grackles descended upon her from above, and, presumably with a single, swift bite, amputated the external portion of her olfactory organ.
And one for luck :p

Felis Catus, Felis Catus
"Felis catus, Felis catus, enumerate the localities on whose soil you have trodden."

"There was only one place worth mentioning, and that is this: I proceeded to the home of Lloyd's famous insurance company, for the purpose of renewing the acquaintance of, engaging in conversation with, and determining the well-being of the senior female nobility, one of my close friends."

"Felis catus, Felis catus, enumerate the activities in which you engaged."

"Well, the most rousing and stimulating of my undertakings was the episode during which I detected the presence of a long-tailed vermin. After a few moments of olfactory triangulation, followed by visual confirmation of the three-dimensional location of the critter, which was, by the way, beneath the woman's dais, attempting to ensconce itself amid the umbrage afforded by said throne. Anyway, I put on my standard spit 'n' hackles look (terrifying, indeed!). The rodent, appropriately intimidated and dismayed, scampered away, panicking. I chose then, rather than make a faux pas, to allow the escape of the would-be prey rather than make a bloody mess on the royal carpet. My compassionate nature, I guess."
Steve Navra said:
You guys are GOOOD :cool:

Vocalize a Musical Selection
Vocalize a musical selection extolling the virtues of a half-dozen pennies, a container made of fabric that is an integral part of an article of apparel, filled to capacity with a grain commonly utilized in the production of alcoholic beverages. Two dozen ebony-hued grackles (presumably mistaken for ingredients) were encompassed above and beneath with a thin, circular layer of raw pastry material, connected at the extremities, and then introduced into a pastry-preparing vessel shaped like a short frustum of a cone. Astonishingly, one hundred percent of the grackles survived the oven's searing temperature, as was proven by their sweet warbling upon the pastry dish's seal being violated. Now give me your honest opinion: do you not consider that delicacy to be sufficiently petite to present for consumption to His Majesty?

The senior male royalty enumerated the tokens representing the legally established negotiable commodity, while occupying a shelter designated for just that purpose. The senior female royalty was in that room of the residence set apart for the entertainment of visitors, ingesting a starchy, grain-ridden foodstuff, topped with a certain amount of a yellowish, viscid fluid utilized as an edible nutrient by some species of insects. Simultaneously, a certain previously noted female servant stood within the confines of a small agricultural plot set aside for the cultivation of flowers, fruit, and/or vegetables, busied herself with suspending (for the purpose of allowing the attendant atmospheric currents to evaporatively remove the liquid solvent used in the cleansing for further use of such garments, and which liquid yet clung to the fabric) various articles of apparel from a cord whose reason for existence is, by definition, just that. While said female servant was engaged in this pursuit, one of the aforementioned ebony-hued grackles descended upon her from above, and, presumably with a single, swift bite, amputated the external portion of her olfactory organ.



Sing a song of sixpence,

A pocketful of rye;


Four 4 and twenty 20 blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.


When the pie was opened,

The birds began to sing;


Wasn't that a dainty dish,

To put before the king?


The king was in the counting-house,

Counting out his money;


The queen was in the parlor,

Eating bread and honey.


The maid was in the garden,

Hanging out the clothes;


When down came a blackbird,

And bit her on the nose.

Steve Navra said:
You guys are GOOOD :cool:

Vocalize a Musical Selection
Vocalize a musical selection extolling the virtues of a half-dozen pennies, a container made of fabric that is an integral part of an article of apparel, filled to capacity with a grain commonly utilized in the production of alcoholic beverages. Two dozen ebony-hued grackles (presumably mistaken for ingredients) were encompassed above and beneath with a thin, circular layer of raw pastry material, connected at the extremities, and then introduced into a pastry-preparing vessel shaped like a short frustum of a cone. Astonishingly, one hundred percent of the grackles survived the oven's searing temperature, as was proven by their sweet warbling upon the pastry dish's seal being violated. Now give me your honest opinion: do you not consider that delicacy to be sufficiently petite to present for consumption to His Majesty?

The senior male royalty enumerated the tokens representing the legally established negotiable commodity, while occupying a shelter designated for just that purpose. The senior female royalty was in that room of the residence set apart for the entertainment of visitors, ingesting a starchy, grain-ridden foodstuff, topped with a certain amount of a yellowish, viscid fluid utilized as an edible nutrient by some species of insects. Simultaneously, a certain previously noted female servant stood within the confines of a small agricultural plot set aside for the cultivation of flowers, fruit, and/or vegetables, busied herself with suspending (for the purpose of allowing the attendant atmospheric currents to evaporatively remove the liquid solvent used in the cleansing for further use of such garments, and which liquid yet clung to the fabric) various articles of apparel from a cord whose reason for existence is, by definition, just that. While said female servant was engaged in this pursuit, one of the aforementioned ebony-hued grackles descended upon her from above, and, presumably with a single, swift bite, amputated the external portion of her olfactory organ.

sing a song of six pence..... four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
the whole deal...

Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

Steve Navra said:
And one for luck :p

Felis Catus, Felis Catus
"Felis catus, Felis catus, enumerate the localities on whose soil you have trodden."

"There was only one place worth mentioning, and that is this: I proceeded to the home of Lloyd's famous insurance company, for the purpose of renewing the acquaintance of, engaging in conversation with, and determining the well-being of the senior female nobility, one of my close friends."

"Felis catus, Felis catus, enumerate the activities in which you engaged."

"Well, the most rousing and stimulating of my undertakings was the episode during which I detected the presence of a long-tailed vermin. After a few moments of olfactory triangulation, followed by visual confirmation of the three-dimensional location of the critter, which was, by the way, beneath the woman's dais, attempting to ensconce itself amid the umbrage afforded by said throne. Anyway, I put on my standard spit 'n' hackles look (terrifying, indeed!). The rodent, appropriately intimidated and dismayed, scampered away, panicking. I chose then, rather than make a faux pas, to allow the escape of the would-be prey rather than make a bloody mess on the royal carpet. My compassionate nature, I guess."



Pussy cat , pussy cat , where have you been?

I've been to London to visit the queen.

Pussy cat , pussy cat , what did you there?

I frightened a little mouse under the chair,

That's it. I'm out of here!

:D :D
Hi All,

I tried your extended remixes of the nursery rhymes on my three year old son last night, Steve. But I think he prefers the originals. They rhyme better. :)


Wise maxims often conflict!

* He who hesitates is lost
*The early bird gets the worm
* Fools rush in
* The deal of a lifetime comes around every Tuesday

* It's insanity to keep doing things that don't work
* Once bitten, twice shy
* Patience (and perseverence) is a virtue
* Everything comes to those who wait

* Invest for the longer term
* Don't throw good money after bad
* Cut your losses

* Challenge your assumptions
* Use your commonsense

Any more?

Regards, Peter

PS: Eschew obfuscation!
Spiderman said:
Any more?

Heaps more if you want them :)

Let's see if we can stump the forum on this one:

The Indicated Exhibit:
The indicated exhibit is the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is a quantity of barley which has been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is a long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which devoured the barley which had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is a domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling his role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which devoured the barley which had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure contructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is that of another domesticated mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae, which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which consumed the barley which had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, which was contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is that of a domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, projecting from her cranium, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic carnivorous mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring, the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than, a mouse, which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in, (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is that of a young unmarried female, miserable and bereft, who hand-expressed the lactose-rich fluid from the udder of the domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, and projecting from her cranium, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic carnivorous mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring, the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is that of a fellow whose attire was exceedingly ragged and rent, who osculated with the young unmarried female, miserable and bereft as she was, who hand-expressed the lactose-rich fluid from the udder of the domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic carnivorous mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from and presumably devouring, the long-tailed rodent, resembling, but rather larger than, a mouse which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling, and that is contained in residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is a Catholic clergyman who ranks below a bishop but above a deacon, who habitually severs all of the filiform, keratinous, epidermal outgrowths from his poll (with the probable exception of those juxtaposed with, or whose follicles are in the vestibule of, the ocular, olfactory, and auditory organs) and who performed the connubial rites upon the fellow whose attire was exceedingly ragged and rent, and (presumably) the young unmarried female, miserable and bereft as she was, with whom he had previously osculated. This female was the one who hand-expressed the lactose-rich fluid from the udder of the domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
The next indicated exhibit is an adult male domestic fowl which, upon being retinally stimulated by the relatively high intensity of the incident light typically occurring at dawn, uttered a series of loud, shrill sounds that roused from his restful repose the Catholic clergyman who ranked below a bishop but above a deacon, and was one and the selfsame fellow who habitually severed all of the filiform, keratinous epidermal outgrowths from his poll (with the probable exception of those juxtaposed with, or whose follicles are in the vestibule of, the ocular, olfactory, and auditory organs) and who performed the connubial rites upon the fellow whose attire was exceedingly ragged and rent, and (presumably) the young unmarried female, miserable and bereft as she was, with whom he had previously osculated. This female was the one who hand-expressed the lactose-rich fluid from the udder of the domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than a mouse, which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.
And, finally, our last indicated exhibit is that of an geoponic engineer scattering countless fertilized, ripened ovules of Zea mays saccharata in hopes of its successful germination the following season. It was he who owned the adult male domestic fowl which, upon being retinally stimulated by the relatively high intensity of the incident light typically occurring at dawn, uttered a series of loud, shrill sounds that roused from his restful repose the Catholic clergyman who ranked below a bishop but above a deacon, was one and the selfsame fellow who habitually severed all of the filiform, keratinous epidermal outgrowths from his poll (with the probable exception of those juxtaposed with, or whose follicles are in the vestibule of, the ocular, olfactory, and auditory organs) and who performed the connubial rites upon the fellow whose attire was exceedingly ragged and rent, and (presumably) the young unmarried female, miserable and bereft as she was, with whom he had previously osculated. This female was the one who hand-expressed the lactose-rich fluid from the udder of the domesticated bovine which sports two bony protuberances, covered with a keratinous material, one of which had undergone mechanical compression of sufficient intensity to crush it, accordion-like, into a mass of inflexible wrinkles, which flung in a parabolic arc the domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) which grasped and tugged repeatedly at the domestic mammal of the genus Felidae which, in fulfilling its role as a carnivore, engaged in a most gory episode of snuffing the life from, and presumably devouring the long-tailed rodent resembling, but rather larger than, a mouse which consumed the barley that had been allowed to sprout, chiefly used in brewing and distilling, that is contained in the residential structure constructed in toto by a person whose name brings to mind one who is familiar with, and moderately skilled in (supposedly) every profession.

This one had me beaten!

Last line only

This is the farmer, out sowing his corn, who owned the rooster who crowed in the morn, who wakened the priest, all shaven and shorn, who married the man, all tattered and torn, who kissed the maiden, all forlorn, who milked the cow with the crumpled horn that threw the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.