Your Perception is Your Reality (and not mine)

There are a couple of type of posters who’s perception of reality is a world away from mine.

There are those that deny investment in IP works. They perceive that money isn’t real (that’s right - just a promise), negatively geared IP is guaranteed to lose money (correct - in the short term), property prices can’t possibly rise forever, we’re heading for a 1930 type crash.

And there are those who believe IP investment is a good thing, but can’t see how they can possibly achieve it.

Their reality has been created from these perceptions. Some of them are facts - they are indeed reality, and a valid basis from which to form a view. However, there are often other facts that appear to have been overlooked, like increasing population, the overwhelming desire for a bigger & better house, increasing rents. So perception is often based on the knowledge of (or weighting given to) the available facts.

Money is just a piece of paper or a number in a bank account - it is completely worthless. But everyone has the perception that it is actually worth something. Consequently, because everyone has that same perception - the perception becomes a reality and money has value.

In this way, from a universe of available facts, each individual can choose to seek out the facts, assign a level of importance or relevance to them, and from these perceptions create their own version of reality.

It’s impossible for an individual to know all the facts, and anyway everyones brain will assimilate the same facts differently based on their different experiences/biases.

So next time someone says that IP is a poor investment, agree with them - because for their choice of reality it is.

Excellent post! And you've put it so well: "their choice of reality" is what it really comes down to.

One can choose to be negative and see only problems, or one can choose to be positive and see the problems as opportunities (perhaps disguised somewhat at times) which need a more creative or lateral-thinking approach. Think I'll stick with the latter! :D

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Yes, a brilliant post, Keith.

For example, some people might say 'trading options is the best way to wealth', and some truly do succeed in it. However, because I don't believe myself capable of doing it, I don't, and therefore I never will succeed at it.

For those who do not believe in residential property, for example, they will never hold it for long enough for it to work.

Most of the world is not based on fact, but on emotions and opinion. That's why it's so fuzzy most of the time, and why there are so many 'realities' that seem to contradict each other. Money is a prime example. It has value only because enough people think it has value. If people stop believing, then it's just a piece of plastic or paper or cotton.
Yes Keith, your posts are so fantastic to read, I enjoy them so much.

You are correct, we all perceive things our own way and yes that becomes our reality. So many times when two people have completely opposite points of view each wholeheartedly believes they are correct and the other person is marching to the beat of the wrong drum.

I like IP's, I don't like shares, that is my own perception and that is my reality and it works fine for me so I am happy with it.