I Feel This Forum Is Becoming Negative...I Don't Know If I Want To Come Back???

You should try being a REA and logging here..ha ha ha.
We cop it all the time, but it is never personal..(is it?)
My advice is read every post, learn what some have to say, laugh at others and ignore what you need too. This as with every resource that brings you in contact with like minded people is a true gift, the information provided by the members here is invaluable, it would cost many thousands to learn their teachings at property seminars and the like and we all provide it for free, in the hope that one day the same will be provided to us in our time of need.

Both WM and MBL you should both stay, you both have different opinions and although we all may not agree with them all the time, I personally appreciate the chance to share in your opinions..Thanks!

Thats my 2 cents..

for those who spend time listening to songs backwards to find hidden meanings, for those who havn't noticed we have our own example here on the forum at the moment

L Bernum and mbl . The odds of that combination of initials and the same attitude being a coincidence I think are statistically remote to say the least.

I always thought that guy was a little bit backwards . Seems things havn't changes

Now we have " Proof " :eek:

have I missed something? I'm totally clueless.

Anyway, it's up to you but like others said there are bound to be many setbacks. Overall, Somersoft is a great forum.
Oh dear, it would be such a boring world (and a boring forum) if nobody ever disagreed with anybody.
Personally, I like to have my views challenged. I find being forced to argue a position is a good thing. And I'm open minded enough to accept the fact that sometimes people with opposing views have valid points.
We've got people coming over for dinner tomorrow night. They are completely different from me - experience, politics etc. I'm looking forward to some vigorous debate. I reckon they'll be up for it, too. Hope it doesn't end in tears.
i think you just need to have a closer look at which comments you 'bite' on, or get hooked by.

If a comment is just a one liner, with no justification or no back up in facts, then why would you bother even replying to it?
WM, if you want to stop reading the forum, you are of course free to do so. I would say one thing: your investing life is not going to be one big endless blue sky either. Reading investment books usually means just getting the good news: it doesn't argue with you, but that's not reality.

I also agree that some posts have personal attacks (which I don't like) and negative views (which I DO enjoy reading, if they're well thought out). You're going to hit a LOT of negativity in your investing life, whether just comments from friends and family or actual setbacks from, say, gazumping, agents laughing at you, mortgage brokers saying you can't borrow any more, tenants trashing your place, etc.

Personally, I find that I strengthen my motivations for investing when I think through the negative posts (the ones that aren't personal) and come up with arguments against them.

In other words, if you leave this forum (and give up all the great resources and information you can get from it) just because there are a few negative posts and posters, you have to ask yourself: what will you do when you hit some bumps in your investing life for real?
I agree with you Alex. We really don't just want to have our own opinions reinforced, otherwise why come onto the forum at all? We need thought provoking comments and to hear other people's opinions - the more divergent the better. How else are we to grow and learn? Controversy is interesting; too much sameness is boring!
We really don't just want to have our own opinions reinforced,

Mate, you would be surprised. There have been plenty of cases over the years where people have resisted any questioning of the standard line. Most humans don't like to have their reality questioned and this includes property investors.

We need thought provoking comments and to hear other people's opinions - the more divergent the better. How else are we to grow and learn? Controversy is interesting; too much sameness is boring!

Absolutely. I wish more people would think like you do. I'm quite happy to admit I have found myself resisting new ideas in the past, but usually I do try and see things from all sides.

I've read most of mbl's posts, discarded the rubbish and kept the good bits. In between all the pomp and posturing he does have some good things to say and I agree with a number of the points he makes, although I consider myself to be a fairly aggressive investor.

I'm really sorry to say this but I feel this forum has become quite negative recently. Since I joined this forum almost 2 months ago, it has been really positive with different points of view & a huge range of great topics to choose from with a wealth of information; which has encouraged me to continue logging on daily to check out new stuff, etc; but recently over the past week; it's just been fighting between people; name calling; bickering; & overall it has made me think; WHY BOTHER COMING BACK???
I feel the same way original poster,
I used to log on every time I was online but now find that some people here are very sad inside,
Dead set. You have been here all of what, 2 months, and you are complaining about how the place is run. Grow up. Complaining about negativity, you are bringing it on yourself.

There are maybe 5 current threads with negative slants, why don't you read the other 1000. Or you can come back in the middle of Sydney's next big boom and make yourself feel good about all the decisions that you've made.

have I missed something? I'm totally clueless.

Anyway, it's up to you but like others said there are bound to be many setbacks. Overall, Somersoft is a great forum.

likewise... I read about 10 threads here a day and am having trouble working out what all the fuss is about :confused:

anyways.... as this an Internet forum.... in the immortal words of Chopper Reid... "Harden the **** up" :D :p :cool: