Is Private School Worth It?

One of my larger goals in life (one I have amassed great wealth) is to create a school that recognises leadership and the entreprenurial spirit in children rather than just academic qualities.

Hiya Xenia - If I may be a little cheeky for a moment; what's stopping you from doing this now (or at least, very soon)...?

If it's the subject of great wealth, can not this be attracted from elsewhere?
If it's the already constant demands on your time, can not a great part of the project be delegated, as you do with your existing business?

It doesn't seem like what I know of you to put something that's so important to you, to one side. So, I'm curious. Indulge me? :)
Ha ha James, it IS happening right now :D. There are many pipes being laid as we speak (or write). Still in early stages and great things take time and are not static but change over time.

We have an affiliation with a high profile person who is writing an incredible program and he is a great start but I have a feeling that things will change in time.

Maybe this post is what is needed to attract more of the right people on board? ;)

Will inform you more fully when we speak next. :cool: