Where in Queensland are you looking to buy?

hervey bay outskirts and stanwell qld

have bought in stanwell now looking at hervey bay outskirts

heard from a few people hervey bay is a bit of a flat market just whish these people saying it would sell me some property under market value since they're worried about it lol went to an auction and one nice house on half acre in dundorwan went for 605k :confused:
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Bore Water Newbie!!!

Thanks Kissfan,

I went to see my seaside cottage again today and took the painter with me for a quote. To my surprise I discovered a bore on the property. There is a huge well (about 3 metres deep) under the concrete floor of the garage, with a rusty old pump about 2 metres from it. Then there's all these black irrigation pipe thingies all around the yard.

I think I must have bore water! Wow! :D What does this mean? I've heard of people watering their yards with bore water...but never had one. How do I take care of it? What maintenance do I need to do on it? How does it work? Who do I get to fix/replace the pump? Electrician? Plumber?:confused:

Can any help a bore-water-newbie please?
(I feel a big learning curve coming on....)

Congratulations on number 10! So you are the quiet achiever of FNQ.;)

If the well you've found is a bore you may have "Boring &/or Drilling Contractors" up around Cairns? Somebody to contact ?yellow pages and run a few questions by, perhaps the old pump may have a supplier still printed/embedded on it on the casing?..

Possibly it's that old and rusty you can't read...the bores here and around the traps (only the few we know of) are huge bores run by even bigger diesel motor pumps, but you can get all kinds, petrol/electric etc, the pump that is here on our farm is electric, at various times it has required an electrician, an auto electrician and a plumber for different problems, although Peter, my partner in crime usually sums things up well and fools around with it and gets it revived.

I wonder how the water shapes up, being so close to the sea?

I have a brother-in-law in Cairns who is quite knowledgable...have been trying to speak to him to see if he got all my emails and pics of beautiful creatures...I will ask him what he knows about bores up there, and he will say, well, they are boring!...but seriously when I reach him, I will ask.

Well done again...you sound like you have done super well! :)

Thanks Kissfan,

I went to see my seaside cottage again today and took the painter with me for a quote. To my surprise I discovered a bore on the property. There is a huge well (about 3 metres deep) under the concrete floor of the garage, with a rusty old pump about 2 metres from it. Then there's all these black irrigation pipe thingies all around the yard.

I think I must have bore water! Wow! :D What does this mean? I've heard of people watering their yards with bore water...but never had one. How do I take care of it? What maintenance do I need to do on it? How does it work? Who do I get to fix/replace the pump? Electrician? Plumber?:confused:

Can any help a bore-water-newbie please?
(I feel a big learning curve coming on....)


congrats on your 10th ip am nowhere near that yet

regarding the bore our bore completely died after I had played with it a few

times only place we found to replace it was a rural gardening area

(was costly check rural weekly and trading post first)

not sure how well it would go with sea near by our bore was good could drink

the water didnt kill us lol and just make sure when you hook up the pump to

turn it on if electric I had no idea about bore untill about a year ago and

wondered why the water wasnt working "duh me"

if theres an exisiting one just check the casing for cracks etc

ours was 43 feet deep. cost around $12 a foot to have it drilled


Many thanks Pam n James...looks like there are interesting times ahead. Still with all this rural country surrounding Cairns (and you have indeed pointed me in the right direction), the Yellow Pages was a goldmine of bore & water type businesses on which to seek advice.


(She who usually Googles everything....and didn't think to this time!):eek:
Hi Sharon,

The property I bought is good enough to rent as is. There were a couple of things to be fixed, namely a rotted step on the back porch and a hole in the bathroom's wall. I asked the vendors to fix these items or alternatively I would take the cost of fixing these off the purchase price. The vendors agreed to fix these problems. These were safety issues, so had to be fixed.
At this point in time, I will rent the place as is and then in the future I plan to subdivide the block, have the house removed, and either sell a portion of the land, or build 4 townhouses. At present I can only afford to build 2 townhouses. Just as well, as I am new to this (development), so I am soaking up all the info on small developments.
Congrats again to you on your 10th property, Sharon.
Well done!
And good luck with the renos.
We got into the Rocky market a few years back and have had a pretty good result [on paper] up to six IP's here now and about to start our 7th as a specy.
Have 2 side by side with river views 500m from CBD nicely renovated as our eventual PPOR. Bit like Bulimba 15 years ago, so were the prices. Moved a QLDer onto another block and built 3 newies in it's place. Kept 'em all and getting great returns in rent and CG.

About to start a specy for No7 to sell and get rid of some debt, so looking for the next Rocky as it's not as easy around here anymore. Suggestions???