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  1. P

    When to do a final inspection?

    If we have a settlement day in a week, how many days prior to that date the final inspection is good to be done (from our perspective)? I mean we can (agent allows this as I understood) to inspect it any time this or next week. Is where any difference for us if we inspect it closer to /...
  2. P

    Principal Place of Residence Concession - when to notify a solicitor?

    We are in the process of buying a first home (waiting for paying a deposit). We would like to apply for Principal Place of Residence Concession. The bank said that it should be organized by our solicitor. (FHOG application will be processed by the bank, if it matters.) We have not told...
  3. P

    Section 32 - "Services" section

    Hi all, We are going to buy a property and I look at Section 32 given to us. There is a section "Services" there with listing as follows (Service .. Avail. .. Connected .. Authority): Electricity .. Yes .. Yes .. Local provider Gas .. Yes .. Yes .. Local provider Water .. Yes .. Yes ...