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  1. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election Again, the facts show otherwise.
  2. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Ive tried to get some truth in this Gillard/S&G debate on here to no avail. The inconvenient truth just doesnt sit well with the Liberal party and its supporters.
  3. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    If you call providing much needed services & infrastructure (and not selling govt. assets) to the QLD people that had been neglected by the Nats/Liberals. Not to mention years and years of corruption and shady deals with private developers, siphoning off the peoples money under the Bjelke...
  4. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    There is no precedent in Australian politics of the lies, scare campaigns, dumb sloganeering that Abbott has used in the last 2 years. None. As for Abbott showing his hand. He doesnt have one. He has nothing to show except the above and is being exposed now.
  5. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Thats not what the apology was for. It was for saying that Gillard 'set up' the trust fund. And she didnt, she offered advice only. As for Tony, he quoting from an OLD statement from Jac Nasser, the BHP statement that he didnt read, yes he did, no he didnt, was from the day before. Sales was...
  6. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    More baseless speculation. Hows the crystal ball going?
  7. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    That line was a classic from Latham, very Keatingesque. And it was true. I couldnt find the interview with Bolt & Abbott you referred to on youtube. There are others but none where he is 'giving it to him'. Maybe you can help. The flaws polished? Now thats funny.
  8. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    No, hes lying. If he wasnt lying, he's stupid. Gotta be one or the other. Maybe both.
  9. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Not sure if thats worse than Howards 'core promises and non core promises' line. Maybe a bit.
  10. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    In the 7.30 interview, when Abbott was asked if he has read the BHP report from yesterday, he said NO. Now has backtracked and is saying he said no to the question before that one and did read it yesterday.......HAHAHAHA!!!! The Opposition leader is asked why he didn't read the BHP...
  11. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Absolute rubbish. You're talking about a man that has dinner with the opposition PM to formulate media attacks on the Labor govt. I have not seen one incident of Bolt 'giving it' to a Liberal pollie.
  12. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    They are biased to the right, nasty and lie constantly. What you wrote below would be fine if they werent all those things. And you mention scrutiny. As soon as Phony Tony gets a bit of mild scrutiny, its not fair. the ABC is biased. Gimme a break. You can keep it for the Liberal opposition...
  13. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Good point. She was totally mild compared to the right wing journalists and shock jocks. From Alan Jones to Larry Pickering, Piers Ackerman, Andrew Bolt.....etc. Absolutely nasty bunch of lying right wing nutters. When was the last time you saw an ABC journalist dragged before the broadcasting...
  14. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    I here this over and over again. And its just speculation, nothing else. I think the tide is starting to turn and the LNP will lose the election. More so if that embarrassing goose is the leader. He had nothing last night in that interview. No substance. No credibility. Expose as the empty...
  15. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election Abbott is comfortable only when he can mouth slogans. Take him out of that comfort zone, as Sales did last night, and he’s close to inarticulate. Incapable of coherent human exchange, and in a fashion...
  16. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    More conspiracy theories SF? Its actually a hobby of mine ;)
  17. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    I said its before they were turned off the LNP by Newmans cutting and that will translate to federal results. Well, at least you say so. The claim is in the (recent) poll results, im not making it, its obvious. I'm thinking of renaming this thread "Why Abbott will lose the ‘unloseable’ election"
  18. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    They say a week is along time in politics and that poll is 6 months old. Thats before the effects of Newman - Bjeke Petersens conservative govt has truly bitten. They are turned off the LNP big time up there.
  19. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Have you seen the Brisbane Times poll? Pic below:
  20. evand

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    It takes maybe 5 seconds on Google to find anything. The Gillard thing was in the distant past as well. That was my point. And its not alleged, Tony has admitted it. The tide is turning now, Gillard is playing her hand very smartly and the conservatives will be lucky to be in with a shout come...