sydney property

  1. M

    Hidden Gems of Regional Investment

    All-time low interest rates and increased demand in big city markets are making certain regional towns very attractive for the investor market. Towns like Tweed Heads and Lismore have units 2 or 3 bedroom units under $250,000 with rental yields of 7% gross. Factoring in council rates and body...
  2. A

    suggest a few good custom home builders in sydney

    Hello everyone I have a block of land in McArthur heights in campbelltown sydney. I had a chat with few project home builders but their plan doesn't provide what I really want. I live in Melbourne and don't know any custom builders from the area. Just Wondering if u can suggest a few good...
  3. Richard Feynman

    Is The Sydney Property Market Cooling Down? | Pete Wargent

    This landed in my inbox. Thought I'd share. Source: In addition to the data, the closing sentence is of particular interest.
  4. Richard Feynman

    Andrew Wilson's Australian Housing Market Report - Sydney Surge To Continue

    (Just spreading the knowledge) This was presented to an audience in Sydney a couple of weeks ago. The whole thing is up here, in sequence: Naturally, it lacks a little depth without the accompanying presentation and supplementary info, but nonetheless, there's...