
  1. M

    Tradie Recommendations for Victoria

    Hi guys, A duplicate thread because I just found that I cant edit my 1st post anymore and I suspect its the poll I added as an afterthought. So here's me trying again. The last thread was a bit subdued. Please contribute for the benefit of all on the forum and also for good honest tradies...
  2. M

    Recommended tradie list (VIC only)

    Can someone make this a sticky? Hi guys, Since I have a bit of extra these days with me being unemployed, I thought I'll start contributing more to the Somersoft. I know we have previously a compiled list but not state specific and I had to sieve through the whole thread to maybe find what I...
  3. Tesla Rules

    Oven repair required _North Ryde Syd

    HI, I am being stuffed around by my PM and need to locate a reliable licenced insured reasonably priced repairman to fix cooktop+oven. Cooktop has a light that does not come on - switch needs/repair/replace Oven hinge needs repair/replace. Kleenmaid appliances from 2000. Would...