2.44mb Vic Property Values '97-07 doc

Just wondering how, and if it is possible to get the Victorian Median House Prices '97-07 up onto forum, for permanent type reference/resource, (a copy in Where to Buy and also Information and Resources for example).

I find the link to the data dies off, it is to a newspaper anyway and may not be a reliable, as in permanent fixture link. What I have downloaded from this link is 2.44mb of the info in adobe acrobat 7.0 doc format, I have that stored into my documents.

Being on dial up internet here, it would be handy to get the info stored on this forum, instead of a very slow and time consuming process of emailing to anyone, one by one.

So, my question is how do we get this handy info up on this forum?

Who owns the copyright for this information?

We cannot reproduce someone else's content without their permission.
It is a link to Heraldsun who had an article in their paper months ago...they have it stored in pdf file, via the electronic Heraldsun... but I put the link up and she died off!??? ...it is from the Victorian Valuer-General stats...crikey I may have done the wrong putting up the 94-05 stats (photographed newspaper) in the gallery? as well? (months and months ago)...separate stats I put up.
1630 hrs THAT LINK IS WORKING...............so QUICK! anyone wanting the data click on and download the vic stats.

here it is again

http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/files/median house prices by suburb.pdf

Hey there Our Obsession,

I'm a huge fan of Google Docs - it's an online set of applications (spreadsheet, word processor and presentation editor) which stores the data on Google's servers. All of your documents are private by default, but can be shared out to people as required.

It's at http://docs.google.com and completely free

I've uploaded it to my Google Docs and if I could find a way of "publishing" PDF files through Google Docs I could put up a permanent URL to it. Unfortunately it looks like they don't have this for PDF files yet so the only option is to share it out to people who might find it useful

If anyone thinks they might find this document useful and they want a more permanent link than just a newspaper URL feel free to send me a PM with your email address and I'll share it out to you. Google will then send you an email with a personal URL that you can use to view the document at any time.
I'm a huge fan of Google Docs - it's an online set of applications (spreadsheet, word processor and presentation editor) which stores the data on Google's servers. All of your documents are private by default, but can be shared out to people as required.

It's at http://docs.google.com and completely free

What a great idea, am thinking it is like the photobucket equivalent-but for documents.

Thanks so much.

Thinking out aloud: If it is private by default, whatever that means?...it might be okay to store the median house prices, even though they are from the paper who got them from the Vic Valuer-General.

So, wont upset any copyright.

Brilliant Natecv8.

Okie doke, I have many wonderful qualities, computer operations/sites/files for storing stuff/passwords etc, technical issues and the argy bargy associated with it, is not particularly a great strength.

Be advised, anyone wishing to store the document, click on the link, and do your thing...

Thanks anyway Nate.
sim do you read every post b4 it gets posted?

Nope - there's no way I'd have enough time to do that for a site as busy as this. I do get notified of new threads being created in certain forums - such as this Help and Feedback forum.

Why do you ask?

Who owns the copyright for this information?

We cannot reproduce someone else's content without their permission.

Okay, just heard back from the Victorian Valuer-General's Office, very helpful people!

No, we cannot put up a public display of the statistics, in the file format...the link to the Heraldsun article, (and subsequent link), is fine.

I will remove the pictures from the photo gallery of older figures, (94-05), from paper. (As well).

Now we know for sure.