A question for Sim and/or the mods

There is another forum I frequent - it's not a property forum. They use what appears to be a similar template to this one. It's a US based forum.
They get lots of porn threads starting up. The usual stuff: 'See britney nude' etc. The mods delete them pretty quickly when alerted to them, but it's still off-putting for parents when their kids are on the site. I'm curious about how come no porn threads pop up here. Even for a nano second. They seem to get blocked so mods don't have to delete them. How do you do it, Sim?
There are some settings you can turn on to make it more difficult for spam bots to sign up automatically. The main feature is called a Captcha - it's the thing where you have to type in some letters or numbers displayed in a funny graphic before you can complete the signup. Humans are smart enough to work out what to type (usually!), but bots find it much more difficult.

The main spam we get on our forums is stuff that is manually posted (ie a human goes to the trouble of signing up, and then manually posting a couple of threads). Not a lot we can do about that - other than to wonder why they would bother ? It takes us less effort to delete it and ban them than it does for them to sign up and post!