An afternoon with Dave Bradley - CRIN Canberra event June 2006

An afternoon with Dave Bradley

Many people are aware of Steve McKnight through his seminars and TV appearances. Not as many are as aware of his more media-shy business partner, Dave Bradley, who met Steve when they were both accountants, supported him when Steve first became a full-time investor and then joined him as the property specialist while Steve split his time with seminars and other educational resources.

Dave is a full-time and extremely knowledgeable property investor. As a fully trained and CPA-qualified accountant he understands the nuts and bolts of investing and through his long partnership with Steve McKnight has become proficient in all aspects of property.

Dave will be speaking to CRIN about his experiences as an investor, his strategies for the current property market and what we can expect to see occur over the next few years.

We already have a number of pre-registrations for this event, so please RSVP early to ensure your spot.

Please RSVP to Aceyducey

Date/Time: Sunday 18 June from 1.00pm
Location: Burns Club, 8 Kett St Kambah
Cost: $5 for members, $10 for non-members (includes membership)
Please RSVP: Aceyducey


I have heard Dave speak and also chatted to him on the phone.

If I wasn't 5 hours drive away I would attend this for sure. Should be a lot of fun and informative too.

i went to nz with him last year. very nice bloke.
wouldnt give me the answers but made me think through what i asked and made me answer them myself. after that i tried not to ask questions without thinking first.

i'm so there :D
