Angry with your bank why not Tweet!

A lady logged onto Twitter last week and essentially said:

"CBA f#$&ked up our loan approval so we're still waiting to exchange contracts".

Within 17mins the Head of Customer Service rang and by 3pm the next day the loan was fixed and settled.

See story,28348,25261841-5014239,00.html

So my question is - if as a mortgage broker if I had said on my Twitter page ( renoqueen) last week venting my fury at another 'One' of the Big 4 "... have stuffed up clients documents for the fourth time and the extended settlement is in 2 days" that I would have the same service or just loose my accreditation? In hindsite as the Big 4 are monitoring Twitter so closely maybe I should of got the client to signin and say something - cause he definitely had a lot to say to the complaints department.

Mmm interesting point to ponder.
