another CGT question

Hi guys,
sorry if this has been asked before, but I did a search and didn't have much luck.
I am interested in buying a new apartment, building commenced, due for completion late 2012. My ideal plan is to live in it for a few years as my PPOR then subsequently rent it out as an IP.
The only catch is that there is a small chance my employment may move me overseas prior to this and hence it may become an IP from the beginning.

Regarding GCT - what if it started life as an IP, but I subsequently moved into it as my PPOR when I moved back to the country - am I then exempt from CGT if/when I sell it down the line?
Are there specific time frames regarding this?
I understand the 6 year rule, but I thought that was for when the property first started as your PPOR - what if it all happened in reverse - started as an IP and later became my PPOR?
I believe you would need to have assessed to find its market value at the time it becomes your PPOR. You would be liable to pay CGT on this market value less the initial purchase price. If the property starts out as an IP, then your intentions for the property where to make money and therefore you must pay CGT when you eventually sell. I think…