ANZ IP Mortgage Experience

I think this is great site and I thought I should therefore share my recent and ongoing experience of ANZ's IP product.

I'll open by saying it has been appalling, whether it be getting documents to me in good time before settlement, failing to set up the offset facility and then claiming all was alright when I noted it wasn't and dealing with my subsequent reasonable complaint as if I was a moron and not a customer who had borrowed $800k.

I've mortgaged/remortaged at least 10 times in my life both in Sydney and the UK and simply getting this ANZ Breakfree mortgage started and running as its should has been the worst experience I've ever had by any Bank and I've delat with many.

One of my biggest issues is that ANZ have outsourced their backoffice processing to Perpetual and Perpetual's attitude and ability to even understand the ANZ product has been appalling or offer anything approaching what you might call client service. I also hate how they've given stupid titles to their staff such as 'Mortgage Problem Resolution Officer' and 'Mortgage Fulfillment Officer' as they bear no resemblance to their ability to do anything like their titles.

My advice is steer well clear of ANZ until they sort themselves out! Moan over....
Hi Insight

I recall that PLMS are only doing the mortgage docs side of things and setts, and as such have no involvement on the product side ?

Insight - As Rolf has mentioned Perpetual have nothing to do with any of the Anz products so if you asked them i am not suprised they had problems giving you a straight answer.

We have found that dealing with Perpetual for Anz settlement has been a big improvement as at least you have someone who knows what they are doing and only deals with the file settlement.

Now if you had said you have a problem with assessment or documentation which comes out of India then i would have understood. Be suprised how many times i have had a call on my mobile at 10.30pm Saturday saying" Good morning how is the weather in Brisbane this morning. When you tell them it is dark and nearly midnight they move on very quickly'.

I have nothing against any lender processing offshore however all you ask is they can speak english.
I'll third Rolf & Richard. If you're asking Perpetual for advice on the product, you're asking the wrong people. Talk to ANZ or your broker.

I do agree that there are some problems in Perpetual, but they provide mortgage services to several lenders. The problem certainly isn't exclusive to ANZ. I actually find ANZ far easier to deal with than CBA or Westpac.
Insight must have really copped the wrong end of the pineapple.
We bought an IP in Feb using the Breakfree package, mind you, was a simple transaction.
Only one small prob they linking the wrong offset a/c. Fixed over the phone. Job done inside 4 weeks offer to settlement.
I have had bad experiences continually with ANZ and their products.

Have just moved all loans away from ANZ.

This is so funny what you guys are saying about the ANZ.....because their claim to fame is how good their Customer Service is!

Have you seen the Ad for ANZ which sends up staff at the other banks?

I agree with ANZ.....they are absolutely useless..and very unhelpful. Among the Big best experience has been with the CBA. Albeit you need to get the right person.
I'll shall 4th (can you do that?) Rolf's point. Perpetual have nothing to do with the products.
There were some initial teething problems when ANZ outsourced to Perpetual but that seems to have been resolved some time back. At least with ANZ I can pick documents up directly and hand deliver them back should a file require it. There's not many others I can say the same for.

I'd suggest that the real issue here was the loans officer or broker in question didn't have their finger on the pulse throughout the process.
Sorry not saying Perp were there for explaining the ANZ product, ANZ staff were hopeless at that themselves, but Perp we re genuinely awful and frankly lied about getting documents couriered to me etc. Given the timezone differences I had it all on email.
It's not ANZ it's individuals

I have found the big 4 to be much of a likeness - it really depends on the people you get not the institution.

My tip hunt around branches till you find someone good to work with and make them your permanent go to.

Also don't be loyal to a bank be loyal to your deal they shaft you you walk - often this solicits a remarkable new deal that previously was not possible for some magical reason.