API Magazine going downhill

I have been away overseas for some time and have been reading with some amusement about Margaret Lomas and API magazine. It is true that she has been paid/sponsors to write articles for the magazine, thus her having the lead story for the last 9 months. I'm also reliably informed that this magazine will have a serious competitor soon. Hopefully we can read some sensible stories about some serious property investors and not some johnny come lately who has the grand total of 7 properties.
Hi Dirk,

Funny I have heard the same thing ?

Would Margeey or any of her resident clones care to comment ?

I sure every one would love to know the truth !


Richie Rich (yes I'm Back)
Hi Richie and Dirk
Maybe it has, maybe it has not(gone down hill that is)
Let me ask you a question or two.
Is it going to make a fundamental difference to your own personal fiancial independence quest?
Is it that you read it and get nothing out of it because you have heard it all before but have done nothing about it?
As one of the Johny come latelys the mag has featured in the past I find it a bit trivial to hear such (got not much else to talk about so let's have a bit of a dig at API) If you don't like it don't buy it!
Kind regards
For a start change the name to East cost and WA investor, as SA, NT, and tasmania are not part of Australia.
I like the magazine because once you skip all the adds and silly articles, it takes 5 mins to read in the newsagency saving me around $10 every 3 months.
Although I disagree that someone with 7 properties is a johnny come lately, I think the amount of advertising in the magazine should warrant a price drop of about $9. I find it hypocritical that they bag gold coast sharks, and slick seminar types on one page then advertises their services on another.
Finaly anyone reading this magazine from another country who knows that Sydney has a population of about 3.5 million would automatically presume Brisbane has a population of 22.7 million due to half the magazine being dedicated to it.
One other thing
I remember a couple months ago people on this forum agressively defending these seminar sharks charging up to $15,000 to do one of their courses. The old argument that if I make $100000 from the course its been worthwhile was flung around left right and centre.
Defend the magazine by all means, but do it constructively for gods sake, dont attack the person making the statement, thats just plain weak, and no-one learns anything.
Obviously Dirk and richie think the magazine is not up to scratch, and neither do I. What should we do put our head in the sand, and let the primary property investement magazine in Australia keep churning out crap, while we pay a premium for it.
The magazine has the gobs! Expensive seminars have gobs, but people always want a magic carpet ride to wealth and will pay lots for it! And they love it! Jan and Ian Somers have far, far more to offer on this site. People should be transparent if they stand up to be counted, and to have your seven properties if you make out you have more is inexcusable. But people do it! Fun to play with them!
I'm aghast at some of the comments on this Forum suggesting that Margaret Lomas is somehow less 'worthy' an author/commentator than other gurus because she "only" owns 7 properties.

To those who have this attitude, do you realise what a small percentage of Australians even own one or two investment properties? Do you realise what an absolutely miniscule percentage of Australians would own 7 IPs or more? Going a step further, do you realise how many people on this forum probably have a long way to go before they're anywhere near 7 IPs? In my humble opinion, when someone who owns seven IPs has something to say, you listen. At least I do.

I've read and enjoyed all Margaret's API articles and books, and personally I feel her positive cash flow strategies are far more realistic and financially more sound than many higher-risk 'creative' strategies I've seen bandied around.

I have no problem with anyone criticising her strategies - that's the sort of healthy debate that makes these forums interesting. However, you can't criticise her *results*. Anyone who has built up a portfolio of 7 IPs is a successful property investor whose comments/opinions are worth listening to.

From what little I know of Margaret's business (mainly gleaned from the short bio on her books), my impression is that she runs a small financial planning firm somewhere on the outskirts of Sydney. She's certainly not a mega-rich financial adviser/commentator like Noel Whittaker or Paul Clitheroe, nor is she a 'seminar guru' running a million-dollar seminar business. The point here is that whatever success she's had with her property investments has probably been achieved with a fairly 'normal' Australian income level... in other words, she's had to work hard and invest wisely to acquire each of her properties, like most of the rest of us in the 'real world.'

To be quite honest, for many 'average' property investors like myself (and probably many others on this forum) the opinions/experiences/strategies of someone who has acquired 7 IPs off a fairly 'normal' income may well be far more relevant, educational and worth listening to than the high-octane, high-risk 'strategies' of the big-time property gurus with their huge portfolios and million-dollar seminar businesses.

As someone else on here suggested, if you don't like API, don't buy it! For me, it's been a gold mine.
Hi Alex_Melb,

Welcome to the forum, and congrats on a great first post.

In principle, I agree with your post... if you dont like API, vote with your wallet and dont buy it.

Sorry Alex, but I disagree on another point...

I think the problem that forum members have in this thread is that API holds Margaret Lomas up to be some sort of freelance market commentator, who is objective and unbiased. Many people believe that this is not the case. These articles, while imparting valuable information for some , to others have become tiresome because the same material is covered in every recent issue. Each article is also an advertisement for Margarets"edestiny" group, which actually offers property for sale.
Hence the reluctance of many people to see her articles in API as more than free advertising.

Just a thought,


PS Alex_Melb... You mentioned Paul Clitheroe and Noel Whittaker... have you noticed that they prefer managed funds to property... and Margaret Lomas prefers positive cashflow property and managed funds...

Now ask yourself... from what asset class does each of these "objective' commentators make their living...
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Hi Adaran
API mag is only one of many publications investors can consider using to help them keep informed about Australian property investment and in my opinion seems to give a good indication which way the herd is running so the astute investors can look in the other direction.
If you and others are unhappy with it why not write a letter to its editor and state your concerns.
I don't see the point of belly aching about it on this forum.
This forum should be for building up not tearing shreads off others.
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Wow, 7 properties and they are a Johnny come lately.....

How many does someone need before they are "serious" investors?

How many do you have Dirk?
(This is in no way meant to be a slight against you, I was just wondering.)

Well, looks like Margaret Lomas prefers managed funds too. YouProsperity.com.au is giving away her book on managed funds to people who join them before the end of this month. Seems like this lady has really wide range of preferences.

My opinion on her articles in API mag is simple. They don't add any value to the magazine. I admit they may represent some interest to people who are at the beginning of their PI path. And even more interest to those who have not bought their first property but are learning to get ready. Giving her articles increasing space in the mag the editor makes a clear choice of the audience moving from professional property investors towards masses catching up the latest gick. Now it becomes clear why there is a lot of advertising especially from QLD. Sometimes I wonder if I subscribed to a serious information resource (that was my goal) or to a glossy RE brochure similar to those published by national RE networks and given away at open house inspections.

Hope I have not hurt anybody's feelings. If I have I do apologize since this was done not on purpose.


Hmmmm........API Magazine.

I remember when it first came out I thought(and still think!) it filled a very useful gap in providing information to the Property Investor.

In fact, I felt it may be so useful that over the first 6-12 months I sent them a couple of emails giving them feedback on areas that IMHO as a reader, I felt they could improve the publication. ie. things like the inclusion of statistics, the exclusion of massive developer inserts etc........ and by and large I believe the magazine has improved and remained beneficial.

Are there bits that could be improved? Are there directions that might need changing? Sure! I can't think of many publications that wouldn't fall in to that category though?!

If you believe the magazine has current faults, may I suggest doing as I did and sending them your suggestions. I'm sure they'd appreciate any feedback.

If they respond then you may well have improved a valuable information source........if you believe they haven't responded........don't buy!

One might even suggest the possibility that a member of this forum would be able to contribute an article.

Former forumite Geoff Doidge is contributing lots. One of the contributors to this thread has been featured- as have other forumites.

What about some articles on wraps for instance? Teaching children financial independence?

I suspect it's probably very difficult for a magazine on property investment to get new good material- witness the amount of repetition in many of the current books.
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Lotana said:

My opinion on her articles in API mag is simple. They don't add any value to the magazine.

My wife found the Dec/Jan 2003 issue for me. I wanted it mainly for the Rental Yields information (which is not that easy to find online - so far as I know).

I read the Margaret Lomas articles in that edition (+ve versus -ve gearing - that old chestnut). I read it and then felt I'd wasted 5 or 10 minutes of my time.

I can't comment on API mag as a whole and its upturn or downturn over time because I rarely purchase it. I was contemplating a subscription but I'm skeptical as to how much use I'll get from it, except the yield/growth data.

The advertising criticism is fare, but it's not unusual. Most mainstream magazines would have levels of advertising that most readers consider excessive.

On the other hand if, as another poster said, they slam all the shonky seminar presenters in their editorials but still run their ads, then I think that degrades their credibility.
Dear guys,

The issue then is there an alternative? I just received my latest edition of "QLD Property & Lifestyle" but does this substitute it? I read the articles but the main purpose I get it for is the latest REIQ Property sales data. (Unfortunately something for QLD that I have not found on the net for free.)

Are there any other publications that the REIA put out that could be worthwhile to subscribe to?

Can the forum replace it? But even with wireless connections it can be difficult to take the internet everywhere.

Or as Alan H and Geoff have suggested............. Give suggestions on how to improve it or look at how an article can be contributed to them yourself.

Some thoughts..........


Dear Ben,

I can find almost anything I want on the net but someone is keeping a tight grip on releasing this data in a free form. If anyone can find it however I would definitely be interested.

Data found in "QLD property and lifestyle" covers all of QLD on a quarterly basis. Subscription is $49 a year for four issues including GST and postage and handling. This is the most cost effective I have found for accurate information until someone invents a better mousetrap :) .

