Australias Top 10 Boom towns as per Today Tonight


My little town of Ulverstone is right between Devonport and Burnie (= number 8 on the list) on the beautiful North West Coast. Don't tell anyone though, we don't want all these freakin mainlanders overrunning the place!! :p It truly is Australias best kept secret. Shhhhhhh!!!!

I loveeeeee this state!!

I've had a feeling in my bones for quit some time that this is what's happening around us. Prices have been creeping up steadily since the boom peaked in 2003.

And for what it's worth, the little mine they're talking about is the newly opened Allegiance Mine (AGM) at Zeehan. This week it's been accepted into the ASX 300. And yes, I hold!! :D

Don't take that as a tip, do your own research!!

Too late.

You will wake up tommorrow and the place will be overun by hordes of mainlanders looking for a good deal 'cause they saw it on the idiot box....................:rolleyes:

What's the goss on the pulp mill in Bell Bay?

Have heard a bit about it on the radio today........truthfully I thought Gunns owned most of Tasmania. But from what I heard today maybe they only own the government.
Do you think it will ever happen and bring the promised benefits? Just curious as my young bloke has an IP in Lonny.

In regard to the news article...............

Albany.............too frickin cold
Broken Hill.........too frickin hot

gave up after that 'cause I was starting to feel like Goldilocks.......:confused:



Looked into Zeehan a few weeks back - very cheap properties and zero rental vacancies - my only concern is how long are the mines going to have resources..I checked a couple of local mine websites that showed guaranteed resources for 4 years. Not long enough for me, I'm in this IP business for the longterm.

The question is if the mining were to close in Zeehan would it still be a place people want to live? It's not somewhere I will buy without visiting first - if it's a nice looking place who knows.....:p
might only be today tonight, but bernard salt is a pretty big name in demography, right?

anyways. orange made it on. woo-hoo! that's my town :)
I recently sold my flats in broken hill due to population decline and remoteness. (they were cashflow positive) , never would have thought broken hill would be considered a hot spot!

stayed overnight a few yrs back in Ulverstone, great little place.
lobbed into town 3pm, by 3.30pm i was teeing off at the first on the golf course....a magic place in the arvo sun, tall forest trees lining the fairways..beautiful.
anway, 2.5hrs later, the little runt 8yr old GM's son had handed me out a hiding, id outdrive him by 100m then the little runt would someone eek out a par, which was all too much for about the 4th hole i queried why the hell he wasnt in school or off catching tadpoles or something, not only did he beat me physically he mentally ruined me as well :eek:
had to buy the punk a Coke afterwards, while i sat there amongst the members and had 10quick beers....gossip abounded on this stranger who'd been stitched up by the little fella.
the night evolved, story later came out he lined up against every stranger who lobbed at the golf course...and proceeded to beat every single one of them, good golfer or poor...some 8yr old 4ft punk beat us all.
nothing to do with anything...thats just my fond memory of Ulverstone :)

stayed overnight a few yrs back in Ulverstone, great little place.
lobbed into town 3pm, by 3.30pm i was teeing off at the first on the golf course....a magic place in the arvo sun, tall forest trees lining the fairways..beautiful.

nothing to do with anything...thats just my fond memory of Ulverstone :)

For what it's worth, the Ulverstone golf course was / is rated second best in Tasmania and in the top 100 in Australia a few years back. I don't know if these ratings have changed at all. Having played there a few times, it's the most peaceful and scenic course I've ever played on.
not sure about this whyalla thing. asides from the steelworks, there is absolutely nothing to recommend the place. even the locals don't stay over the weekends.

might mean the rental market could be great while the resource boom is on, but i wouldn't be looking to hold long long term.
And for what it's worth, the little mine they're talking about is the newly opened Allegiance Mine (AGM) at Zeehan. This week it's been accepted into the ASX 300. And yes, I hold!! :D

SOS,thanks for the tip i already own a small amount and they were very
cheap to start off with, at least the :rolleyes: company saves money on the signs..
good luck willair..
Does anyone know where they got their info from? I didn't see the show and am interested on how they determined the top 10 spots. It seems that different people/shows/experts/magazines have different 'top spots' and I have to wonder if the due diligence they do before they put this to air is adequate or not, or are they using the info from somewhere else.
Does anyone know where they got their info from?...

I have to wonder if the due diligence they do before they put this to air

Quote from Wikipedia:

"Like A Current Affair, Today Tonight is notorious for its sensationalist reporting similar to Inside Edition, and is an example of tabloid television where stories rotate around sensationalised community issues i.e. diet fads, miracle cures, welfare cheats, shonky builders, negligent doctors etc. For this reason the program is constantly under criticism and ridicule, especially by satirical groups such as The Chaser."

Add to that miracle fortunes made overnight on property markets.

I'm with you masterjunko, despite Bernard Salt's credentials, it is TT. :rolleyes:

For a more balanced report, The OZ yesterday:

"The hot towns list is retrospective"
"Only sea change is unlikely to alter over the medium term. The resources boom will end, eventually. Sydney will stir and rise, eventually. And there'll be a new top 10."

I'm gonna put my hand up for my home town Armidale. Great city and I personally believe is a good stable place to invest (I personally would but dont have the capital :( and looking to buy my first place closer to home in brissy somewhere).

Dont know the prices but can give first hand info about the town. Armidale is a stable town (20k+ pop). Central hub and 1hr from country music capital. It has multiple industries supporting it, regional hospital that services the tablelands. Large University of New England. Some very good public schools and a lot of very very good private schools (NEGS, TAS, PLC). It has a regional airport and also a great golf course. I haven't been back in a few years but I heard there are also a lot of developments happening in there with coles recently putting a new multi-million dollar store and centro as well developing a shopping branch in there.

Just my 2c for anyone that is looking for a regional place to invest in.
I'm gonna put my hand up for my home town Armidale. Great city and I personally believe is a good stable place to invest (I personally would but dont have the capital :( and looking to buy my first place closer to home in brissy somewhere).

Dont know the prices but can give first hand info about the town. Armidale is a stable town (20k+ pop).

Quick web count gave:
208 properties (majority housing) for sale in central Armidale
136 rentals on offer (also majority housing)

Seems to be a lot of activity there. Uni students?

This one is screaming rent me (nice dining room table)

I'm gonna put my hand up for my home town Armidale. Great city and I personally believe is a good stable place to invest
Stable, definitely. Boom town - hardly...

Median already up 100% since 2001... yields around 5%, with a large proportion of renters who have very little disposable income...

I think the NSW choices are ridiculous...

Broken Hill:

Bernard said: "With the reinvigoration of the resources industry, particularly mineral sands mining, in the local area, that has activated job opportunities and slowed down the rate of population loss

Slowed the rate of population loss.... So there aren't more people moving into the area, there are just people leaving at a slower rate than before..

And Lithgow? Surely they jest. No facilities, no higher education, little industry and infrastructure, and its about 3 degrees even in October.

But what can you expect from TT...
