B-Pay Problem

I have discovered that if you schedule more than one bill for the exact same amount to be paid on the same date then B-Pay rejects after paying the first, you do however receive a message telling you the transaction was unsuccessful. This is using the CBA internet banking. I phoned to report the problem but was told they are already aware but to date this has not been fixed.

I have a number of Melbourne properties in the same area meaning the Yarra Valley Water Bills are all due on the same date and for the same amount. Now that I am aware of this I will have to make sure each one is scheduled to be paid on a different date.

Yup, I came across this problem myself a while back - I have multiple council rate bills all due on the same day - several for the same amount ... and those with the same amount are automatically rejected ... the system thinks they are duplicates. Like you, I needed to schedule them on separate days to get them to work.

It's a pain ... and while I understand the reasons behind it - I think it is a little overzealous in trying to protect us from ourselves :(

I have also discovered that if the bills are from different bank accounts then even if it is a duplicate B-Pay allows it to go through!!

I scheduled to pay one through a credit card and one from the bank account, not realising I already had the bill scheduled through B-Pay View and both were paid!! :(

You might find that it allows a bill to be paid multiple times deliberately, so you can pay a bill off over time. Not sure, only guessing.

We managed to pay a water bill twice last week by mistake, so are getting a refund on it.
Thanks so much, chrispy, for sharing this information. I just checked my scheduled Bpay payments and, sure enough, there are two for the same amount to be paid on the same day. CBA, as well. Have changed the date on one of them and hopefully there will be no problems. Much appreciated!
I discovered that some bank accounts have more digits than commbank allows for. When the transaction doesn't work one gets a fine. Seems a bit rich when the process is automated.... akin in my eyes to ringing phone going unanswered.

If they are going to fine me they could earn the fee by alerting me via automated email that the transaction was unsuccessful. Must have an eagle eye on the debit column for an errant figure.

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