Badgerys Creek - Second Airport - Positive/Negative

Good-evening all,

Apologies if this has recently been raised post recent announcement, however, i could only find something dating back to 2012 on the site.

I'm sure there are a number of investors on the site who have investments within the South Western Suburbs (in relatively close proximity to Badgerys Creek) and may have some concern in regards to the development of the second airport. Not understanding what impact this may have, i thought i would throw it out to the forum to gauge the general consensus to those who could possibly translate it from experiences in different states or possibly from an economic perspective.

Also, I've looked up to try and find out where the flight paths would potentially be and obviously the poli's are very tight lipped, but there was a thread where a forum member came up with a graph as to where these paths would possibly sit, thoughts on whether this would still potentially be the case or different directions.

Thank you
It would be just dumb to build a second Sydney airport. Newcastle and Canberra should be developed to take some of the pressure off Sydney. Sydney serves all of NSW. If Newcastle and Canberra were options, anyone north and south of Sydney would use these airports instead, freeing up Sydney. Anyone who wants to fly in and out of Sydney would be welcome to continue to do so, and those of us who don't live in Sydney and only go there to get on an airplane would then have much easier and cheaper options.

See ya's.
I'm surprised that Sydney has managed to get by with just one major airport for so long now considering that Melbourne is served by two airports and South East Queensland has three major airports (with a fourth currently being built in Toowoomba).

One benefit of a new airport out to the west would be the possibility of being able to operate 24 hours rather than being hampered by curfews as the existing KSA is.