Bond Refund Criteria? Just wondering

Hi guys

Well we just moved into our first Australian house, and it's great to be a homeowner again.

Just a quick question, I thought this was a bit OTT. When we moved out of our complex, the Complex Manager said to me, yes everything is fine, I will sign off the Bond Refund to you in full, when you give me $1.30 for a lightbulb that has blown! The bond was $1440.

Can they do that? I paid it, but was brassed off about it to say the least.


I sure would be puzzled but not perplexed. Try not to sweat the small stuff. Anecdotally, when we built our first house, the supervisor came out to go through with fine tooth comb with us at handover. We were extremely happy but pointed out that they had only put in 6 light globes out of 16 needed! (sparky ran out) We signed off on the handover on the promise he personally would deliver them. Just wanted to move in! He never did deliver them, but it was hardly worth the phone call to complain about it. Back then you could buy a 4 pk at Franklins for about 58cents!

At least they haven't charged you for installing it!

Welcome back to being an oo again!
Yeah I have seen this before. At the end of the day it is a small silly thing but for a PM or complex manager it means the ingoing person may complain about it (I know, but it does happen), then they have to deal with them. Congratulations on the new home.

Paid it anyway, but just thought it was a bit OTT.

And don't talk about sweating, OMG, that's all I do, it's so hot, and we only have fans. I would like to invest in an air conditioner, but I'm gonna wait till hubby suggests it, cos he's so dam tight! And I know he's feeling the heat, so I will just bide my time. LOL

No he can't do that; unless he able to prove how much the life of the light bulb had when you moved it.

You can despute it by making an application to the tenancy tribunal and have the matter heard.

This will take 2-4 weeks - maybe longer as it is Christmas

Or you can just pay the guy $1.30