Brain Training

Does anyone here practice this form of training?

Apparently we spend most of our days in what experts calls "The Default Mode", meaning that you don't actually use your brain in doing certain exercises or daily activities, eg: brushing your teeth, driving to certain places, etc...
This often has an direct effect, and which in the long term may lead to Alzheimer?s & Dementia

How do you stimulate your brain and what kind of exercise you do to keep it active?
Does anyone here practice this form of training?

Apparently we spend most of our days in what experts calls "The Default Mode", meaning that you don't actually use your brain in doing certain exercises or daily activities, eg: brushing your teeth, driving to certain places, etc...
This often has an direct effect, and which in the long term may lead to Alzheimer?s & Dementia

How do you stimulate your brain and what kind of exercise you do to keep it active?

I play these games before iPhone, it is fun, these days there are similar one on iPhone

I also do a lot of stock market research so it keep me engage as there are new thing happen all the time on the market and I got to come up with strategy to profit from it ... sometimes it just quick calculation in the head other time it need me to be a little more forward thinking and put system in place...
I will share some trainings that I do, and perhaps it can help you, or someone that you know that may need this form of training

If you are a right hander for most things, try doing the same task using the other hand
eg: try brushing your hands using your left hand. Or, using spoon/fork, etc..
What you are ultimately doing is to throw your default mode out of window, as your brain will work twice as hard to perform these simple daily tasks.

Another important aspect is, we humans, are embed into assuming things based on past experiences. Again, default mode
What you can try to do is, put it simply, try to "pay attention" to things
eg: when you drive to work each day, do you actually think about where you are driving? or do you just do it?
What you can start to do is to start thinking, ok, I will drive onto XX road, and then make left turn onto XX
What you are doing is basically paying attention.
This is really important, try to pay attention into everything you do, including your breathing, your senses (touch, smell, sight), not only will you become smarter, but all things we take it for granted will become more meaningful.

Most of our brain are lazy, and the world we live in are full of distractions.
Try to avoid these distractions

Give it a try, might help you
I'm an avid learner, voracious reader and practice mindfuless which are incongruent with "default mode" (which is really just habits).

Speaking of habits. This is worth reading:

The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg
I try to do the soduko and the cryptic crossword each morning with my coffee.

So far no signs of dementia.