Builder claiming dodgy variations

Thanks Prop,

That's a bit cheeky mate. Give him back some of his own treatment. :)

There are claims that we could have made on both sides but we chose not to until he obviously did at the end of the job.

I think I would be better off leaving out any antagonism and sticking to what was agreed to. After all I just want fairness to prevail. I did feel responsible for covering the costs of changing the wall paint colour after it first went on and I knew that the dishwashers were not a part of the contract. (his plumber installed them for me during fit off).

Thanks, RS
Well I will pass this story over to the other thread now. I didn't end up sending the above letter because I ran into the builder before I could send it and he was determined not to hand over the keys until he was paid in full for the I changed the letter and delivered it last Thursday. :)