Building on property within 6yr PPOR to sell - CGT exemption?

Hi all,

I bought a place with the FHBG in 2004 and lived in it for 6 months, so I still have the CGT exemption for PPOR if I sell it within 6 years.

The question is, if I build a new house on it and then sell it once it's completed, can I still claim the PPOR CGT exemption? i.e. whatever I sel if for above my initial loan and the construction loan is clear profit (after agent's commission)

Thanks for any responses!

Hi Aaron,

I am thinking that if you demolish the house it's no longer your PPOR so you could be liable for CGT.
When you demolish a property I believe the ATO is considering it like you are disposing it and you start fresh.
Get professional advise on this one.
I would get a valuation before demolition so if you get challenged by the ATO at least you would know what your place was worth on demolition and how much the land was worth.
