Buy in eastlakes?

We are looking for a property for home. I found a property in Eastlakes which is 335K. The quality and size of this unit are good. But I am not sure that if it is worth buying such expensive property in Eastlakes
We are looking for a property for home. I found a property in Eastlakes which is 335K. The quality and size of this unit are good. But I am not sure that if it is worth buying such expensive property in Eastlakes

Well thislin,

The median price for a unit in Eastlakes is around $264 - $273K depending who you at $335K this unit is not the 'average' quality.

Would I pay $60-70K over the median price for a property in any suburb? Probably not for me, BUT if this is to be your PPOR then there are emotional factors invloved that can't be measured with numbers.

maybe the median is $264-273 but there is not one unit under $330k in Eastlakes on because I was looking there myself today and Hillsdale....

I wouldn't pay that much to live 100m under a flight path..
...there is not one unit under $330k in Eastlakes on because I was looking there myself today and Hillsdale....

What about these 2?

But you are right in a sense. Just because the median price is a certain value does not mean that there are properties for sale around that price - that is an issue of stock being available now, not what has already sold.