Can this be developed for 2 townhouses

Just wondering roughly if people think that this property can be developed to put in 2 townhouses on it.
Place looks asbestos to me so added cost for demo.
I'm not sure under the new development rules if this block is big enough with street frontage enough as well so looking for some guidance.
Haven't done a development before but keen on it and looking for a site.

This would be Kingston council.

Nope can't do it.

(secretly makes offer to agent).

If you want to develop you need to understand the councils rules. Without that elementary level of knowledge you will have your *** handed to you.

Also, not the best idea to link properties on SS, could increase competition on bidding day from people on the forum.

P.S no idea if you can develop it into townhouses.
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I was not after a lecture I know the points you raise, I was after a rough idea if it can be done. I am not at the stage to go talk to council about their detailed rules. I was after the most basic answer of can you put two townhouses on a 500m2 block in Kingston council.
I was not after a lecture I know the points you raise, I was after a rough idea if it can be done. I am not at the stage to go talk to council about their detailed rules. I was after the most basic answer of can you put two townhouses on a 500m2 block in Kingston council.

Belvoir gave you some pretty good pointers. I wouldn't be bitting back if I were you.
Just call the Council & they can give you a 'yes' 'no' answer in about 10 seconds.
(Bit easier than being 'testy' on here with others that are offering advice)

Speedy reply (within the hour) and great advice has been given by Belvoir.

If the op keeps taking in free advice like this from other great people offering fast and correct information that would otherwise cost time and money to obtain, the OP will be able to determine these type of decisions without having to ask anybody else so they should be thanking Belvoir.

It's interesting to note that the OP states they aren't at the stage of speaking to council about their detailed rules. It is in fact the detailed rules that determine the answer to the OP's question.

Great forum as it would have taken the OP more than an hour to find this sort of information out themselves.

