CBI#6 Book "On the Other Hand....."

Breifly mentioned this in CBI#4.

It's a book of one line phrases that are supposed to advise you on how to live your life. Each page has two phrases that contradict each other. The idea is to get people to think about what they do rather than using cliches to rule their life.

It may or may not have illustrations, cartoons etc.

Page 1. Too many cooks spoil the broth on the other hand Many hands make light work GG
Page 2. Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves on the other hand Penny wise and pound foolish GG
Page 3. Absence make the heart grow fonder on the other hand out of sight out of mind Weg
Page 4. The best things in life are free on the other hand You get what you pay for GG

Everyone is welcome to contribute, I think we can have some fun with this. Like all my CBIs, this one is free for the taking.

ps. This is one of those coffee table books that will only be read three times. 1st at the bookshop by the gift buyer thinking "this will be a great book for mum", 2nd when mum gets it for Xmas "thanks son, great book" and 3rd when cleaning out mums estate "look at this cool book, we'll donate to Vinnies"