Comments about McKnight on Mediawatch

On ABC's mediawatch program last night there was comment about Steve McKnight and Today Tonight's "Millionaire Apprentice Program" (MAP).

Which I think is Steve's program where he's mentoring a number of his seminar grads to control $1m in property. (Which of course doesn't make them millionaires at all - but let's ignore that for the time being... ;) ).

Mediawatch was quite damning in its criticism of the success of the MAP program to date. Having followed up some of the participants and found they had not achieved much to date - some 6 months later.

Now of course this may not be McKnight's fault - but it begs the question - how are the participants going so far? Are there any participants who also frequent this forum?

Look forward to hearing from anyone who is, or knows, a MAP participant...

Perhaps this can be passed on to the McKnight forum too...

Dear Nigel,

I know one of Steve's MAP participants.

He is a nice guy but he dropped out of Steve's program not having achieved anything more than what he had already achieved prior to going into the program. Overall he was disappointed with the program in a number of areas.

Certain images are given out by Steve's book. Steve has been successful in designing a title that appeals to the masses. This is to his credit.

However I also believe that some feel it makes light of the hard work that goes into becoming a successful property investor. Perhaps the people that are especially attracted to the title are those that 1) Do not want to put in the hard yards and feel that a practical Jan Somers recipe of 7-10-15 years is "Too hard/Too slow". or 2) A very high risk category who want to buy X properties and go belly up at the first major obstacle.

Whatever the case property investing is a journey of continuous self education, networking with likeminded people, and physically getting out there and doing it and learning where necessary through trial and error.

It's time people stopped looking for the holy grail and someone to blame and get out there and put into practice that which is tried and proved.

Buy, hold and keep at the end of the day is not rocket science.

Enjoy the journey. ;)


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Who needs to be a easy millionare. I DO

:) Sunstone
I related to your comment regarding getting out there and doing it. Learning all the time. Picking yourself up from failures. networking with people doing the same stuff. (Whether more or less than what you are doing) etc, etc ,etc.

If you look at the whole population I believe there is only a small percentage of people that are prepared to put in the hard yards learning. Constantly keeping up with all the market trends, finance, taxes, and everything else that is thrown at them. (How many of your friends would be here a couple of nights a week expanding their knowledge. Or reading a book on motivation, property etc.) More likely watching Home & away or Sex in City.

Yet they think that someone can magically turn them overnight into a millionare property investor or developer.

The small percentage of serious investors are out there every day doing what they love. Not waiting for the Lotto Balls or whatever magic to occur. ;)
Yet they think that someone can magically turn them overnight into a millionare property investor or developer. The small percentage of serious investors are out there every day doing what they love. Not waiting for the Lotto Balls or whatever magic to occur.

Dear Gee Cee,

You hit the nail on the head mate. ;)


I had a former colleague contact me just after Steve had appeared on the tube.

His plan was "acquire cashflow positive properties over the next few years and retire" (well, that was the gist).

I suspect he didn't like my reply. He didn't ever contact me again.
Dear Geoff/Gee Cee,

It comes back to the many "gunna's" out there.

Reminds me of a friend of mine. :(
Decided to get into property..........
Went and setup his trust with Dale............
Went along to Geoff Doidges course...................
Spent time to put a contract on one property....... and property sold before contract was completed.

That was over a year and a bit ago. Total number of properties his owns.......... ZERO.

And one of the properties he was going to purchase has already resold again in that time. A 78% higher price in 12 months.

Gunna's give up. And remain gunna's.

That's why the long-term average for the actual % of people who are property investors doesn't change.

Persistence AND patience. This is not commonplace.


with those comments in mind, and the fact that the number of investment properties has increased by 30%, does that mean that 95% of those are gonna come back onto the market in the next 5 years.

heres to hoping that eventuates.

