common ground

Hi All
we have an ip in a group of 8 strata title units.
One unit owner wants to extend his unit"he is the end one"and construct what we call a sun room.

It will be 8ft in width and about 13 ft length.
This extension will be on what is now a garden bed on common ground of the strata.

The owner feels that if all unit owners agree or a majority agree to his extension then he can just go ahead and do it.Keeping within the existing style of the units of course.

3 of the unit owners feel that he cannot just claim common ground " me included".
Does he have to buy the common land?
can he do it with majority rule?

Any reply would be apreciated as l,ve not heard of this situation before.
cheers yadreamin
Surely it needs to be agreed to by the owners corporation?

Have it discussed at the next meeting.

Yes it was raised at the last body corporate meeting and we all agreed to "think about it."
But,,,l am not sure of who,s decission it is and how it can be done.

Lets say it goes ahead but he has to buy the land.
Who sets the price of the land ?
Who gets the money for the land?

But then again if this goes ahead what is stopping another unit owner from lets say ,extending to build on another bedroom?
Surely there must be some rules regulations to control this.

cheers yadreamin
Free land !!

I think he is dreamin :D :D

IMHO, No way should he get it for nothing, he would have to buy it from the BC, the money then distributed to the other unit holders.

Another thought is that councils have lots of rules about building/land ratios, soft land ratios (grass etc), landscaping, parking, etc.

As you say, if one is allowed to do it then all should be allowed, to allow one could be creating problems in the future.

Once this starts, if it changes the appearance of the units, it will effect the values for sure.

Perhaps you can check out the gov't web sites for strata body rules.

I definitely would not vote in favour of it, if I owned a unit there.