Congrats Kevin Rudd

Tonight Kevin Rudd hit 1,000,000 followers on twitter.

Some of his competition:

Julia Gillard - 126,200
Malcom Turnbull - 67,800
Tony Abbott - 39,600
Bob Brown - 30,000
Bob Katter - 1900
Bill Shorten - 1300
I think you need an internet first.
Good call :)

Sunfish - K Rudd is the man to ask, with 1 million followers he must know a thing or two....although I wouldn't be surprised if he asked the same question as you.

Actually, I doubt any of the pollies know what twitter is - they've all probably appointed a "social media" team that looks after that "stuff."


sorry - I don't twit. I don't think anyone's life of sound-bite thoughts about what they had for dinner, where they are or who they're lip sucking is that interesting.
How does this "twitter" work?

You can just set up a twitter account of your own, (not saying you want to, but explaining the process).

Once you have it, (I have one), you can 'follow' people by clicking on those you want to subscribe to. Eg I am 'following';

Bernard Salt
The Economist
Wael Ghonim (involved in covering/participating the electronic coverage of Egypt)
Somaly Mam
andrew bolt (fake one)
tedtalks...and a heap more

I don't go reading it everyday, but at any time I can go to my twitter account, click onto the small soundbytes that I might find of interest, instead of having to 'find them' I have the news/information delivered to my twitter account.

As you can see I get to choose whom I 'follow'-it can be science, it could be football if I wanted, or individual people, but I have a preference for newsy, information, current affairs, or even Wael, the Egyptian when he was involved in the first and early part of Egypt's upheavel.

TED talks is relatively brief talks that can cover many things from all over the world and it delivers the new talks that are released.

So it can be whatever you want to make it. In a sense. I find it convenient for when I want a read or catch up on stuff that interests me. My twitter account I occasionally put up some of my photography with brief phrases/ I can just do a solitude bit of arty/farty stuff, but also share it with whomever chances across it in cyberspace. You can do as much (or as little) of any of it as you want.
Actually, I doubt any of the pollies know what twitter is - they've all probably appointed a "social media" team that looks after that "stuff."

Actually, that's not the case, except in some circumstances (Julia Gillard, for example), most of them do tweet themselves.

KRudd was active on Twitter, but if you want an excellent example of a politician who really does "get" Twitter and engages well with it - it's Malcolm Turnbull.

Turnbull not only posts a lot on Twitter, he actively engages with people via the medium.

MP Tweets: Which Australian Politicians Reply the most on Twitter
And that's just counting the real pollies accounts. They're outnumbered 20 to 1 by the fakes.

Not sure I'd say 20:1, but there is a lot of them, that's for sure.

Currently there's 108 on my list, which is certainly not a completely comprehensive list, so the total number is somewhat higher.

That being said, there are around 100 federal politicians currently on Twitter, plus a heap more state politicians.
Rudd has been "outed" for the egomanic he is.

There are numerous websites that allow you to “buy” twitter followers to boost your numbers. For $17 you can get a thousand, and $450 will get you 50,000 followers!…

An in-depth analysis was done to find out whether Kevin's "followers" were "paid-follower-companies..."

While Julia Gillard had 81% of her followers marked as “active”, Kevin Rudd had half that, at only 48%. :p

As the number of followers edges closer to 1 million, analysis shows three-quarters are from overseas. They include 36,000 from Chile, 27,000 from Ecuador and 18,000 from the former Soviet Union nation of Belarus.

Oh dear, Kevin....

Regards JO
Good on him, I can't understand why anyone would follow Abbot and the poll confirms that. :)

Twitter is great for many things but not like Lizzie says about posting boring things like what a person is doing for dinner. it can be used very effectivly for example one of my business blogs I have an automated script running that will send updates to Twitter (and facebook) on any posts I make on my blog.
sorry - I don't twit. I don't think anyone's life of sound-bite thoughts about what they had for dinner, where they are or who they're lip sucking is that interesting.

:D I absolutely agree.

I'd bet lefties and public servants twit/tweat more than right wingers, essentially because their lowly aspirations and outsourcing of responsibility cheapen the value they attach to their time. :)
For all those that say "I don't want to tweet about <the fluff between my toes|what I ate for breakfast|what I am doing right this second|some other menial thing>" doesn't understand Twitter at all.

Twitter is a tool, and can be used very differently depending on who's wielding the tool.

It's an amazingly powerful tool to communicate with an audience, to market products, to get feedback and to get up-to-the-second information about topics that are happening right now.

Firstly to get everyone on the same page:

A "tweet" is a concise sentence or two, limited to 140 characters.

You can write your own tweets or 'retweet' (RT) other people's tweets.

Twitter accounts, when you tweet, start with the '@' symbol, followed by the name, eg @mjanthony.

You can send a direct (private) message to another Twitter account if they follow you.

A 'hashtag' is a hash followed by a word that is searchable, eg #therenovators. Whenever someone searches for that word, if you tweet with the hashtag, your tweet will appear in their search.

When you create a Twitter account, you start with 0 tweets, 0 followers (people who will receive your tweets) and 0 people you're following (people whose tweets will appear in your timeline).

You can start following other Twitter accounts, and when they tweet, their message will appear in your timeline automatically. So naturally, follow people who you find interesting. Don't follow the 16 year olds who babble on about nothing. Follow the tweeps that interest you.

You can't make anyone follow you, that's up to the individual, but eventually people may find what you tweet to be interesting and naturally follow you.

I can log into Twitter and scroll through my timeline of today and have all my realestate news, property information, jokes, interesting news articles and headlines in one place.

My account is . I have almost 800 followers as of writing this article, and when I glance through who is actually following me, they are mostly made up from people who are interested in property, because I naturally tweet mostly about property, including articles and news.

It's possible to use Twitter as an information-only resource, that is, not tweet at all.

You can link Twitter up to Facebook so your tweets appear in your Facebook status and vice versa.

There are multiple Twitter clients out there including Tweet Deck, so you don't have to do everything through a browser. Twitter also has clients for the Android and iOS smart phones and tablets.

I hope that at least one person finds this information useful. I'm a big fan of Twitter - it has its place in the social media spectrum.
