Cost of lodging PAYG W variation ?

How much does this usually cost if you have an accountant do it for you ?
One of the accountants i emailed says $250 and slightly less if i fill up the form and all details myself.

If you were going to fill the details in yourself you might as well buy a stamp and send it in yourself rather than pay $250 for the accountant to do it.

I'd do it myself, it's not that difficult to estimate what taxable income you should be paying PAYG tax on, the rest is just filling in the form and sending it in. The only thing that would make me want to do this through an accountant would be if I was unable to determine an estimated taxable income for the financial year which would be dependent on the complexity of your investments.
Thwe ATO does not charge to receive a ITVW and to action it.

An accountant might charge to work out and fill the details out for you.

I do'nt earn enough, so I would not get enough back to jusitfy me paying $250 to get it worked aout and sent to the ATO personally