Data Storage

I know there are devices to buy that store data. I was wandering if anyone knows where I can upload to a host server, about 2-5 gig so that it can be stored and free?

I want to upload one big .zip file.
I recently went through this exercise and after much searching found this site - 25Gbs for free!! and they do hosting. I've been using it about 2 months now and haven't had any problems.

It's awesome thanks I've signed up and uploading couple gig is going to take a while to upload but it's reassuring to know that I don't have to worry about loosing the data now.

Thanks for answering and saving me the search time, quick reply and solved in five minutes. Good one!
I concur with mediamax
i have used for 12 months now, store all sorts of great things. even have my music collection up there which i can play from anyones computer with broadband
I have had a few bugs along the way, mainly being uploaded all my photos which to this day i cant view properly.

For my photos i now utilise yahoos unlimited photo storage and it great.

If anyone has succesfully loaded their photos on mediamax i would love to know.
There is also which has free online storage up to a certain limit and then paid accounts for larger storage needs. When I got my free account it was 1 gig which doesn't sound alot compared to the others already mentioned.

One thing I did like about it ,was that it was an open platform; all I need is a web browser. I am not a computer genius so I need things simple.
I have another program called esnips that has 2 gb storage and i shoot stuff back and forward to it. I installed little utility it has and it sits on my toolbar and is real friendly and reliable.

The program i cant rave about enough is a on line backup program (free) and it also 2gb storage called mozy. Very few people are careful enough when it comes to backing up and this backs up all my personal and financial files daily via highest security available (similar to netbanking)
Wouldnt matter if computer stolen, blows up, house burns down or whatever, my data is safe and can be restored from their site at my leisure (saved my hide once already)

If i sound like a bit of an old geek, guilty:)
That's alright! Is there anything that has ftp and resume? I guess this is mostly a higher level pay service.

I'm finding with these larger files it's taking to long to upload so therefore cutting off and having to re-start them again.

I use resume for downloads and DAP.
Hi Jaffra

Are you using dial up or broadband?

i have fast broadband and having to resume is a nightmare from the past.
Having said that i dont upload or download movies or "huge" files.
I suspect you may want to use a subscriber service, but only if you have fast broadband.
Yeah it's Telstra NextG3 Broadband this month, forget the exact speeds but I suspect it is slower up speed then download.

Because it is pretty fast download enough to flow all film watching online it streams very quick this Telstra NextG3 is impressive but pricey I won't be using it anymore.
great new offsite backup alternative

Have to share with everyone

Besides being a lover of all things property, i tend to be a bit of a old computer nerd as well.
in page 6 above i mention how chuffed i am with a remote backup program called mozy that allows 2gb free automatic offsite backup of precious data.
Initially 2gb and then they give extra 256kb storage to yourself and anyone you refer.

This in my opinion has been the best free software i ever came across, and i dont say that lightly or to gain storage credit.

The reason i say has been the best free software, is i always look out for the inevitable competition to come along and that it has in a big way.
I came across and they offer 2gb free straight away and another 10gb if you refer to another 4 people which i did by arrangement with freinds. I am rapt i have idrive now with 12gb and mozy with 2+gb

So much new stuff around which i believe has the description "web 2" getting very interesting.
Anyway anyone worried about having a safe place away from home or the office to store the family photos or the excel document you have invested 500 hours on give the above ago
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These sites sound great, but what about the security issue.

How do you know that the hosting companies aren't trawling through your files?

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My off-site back up is an external HDD sitting in a drawer at work. I thought about using one of those online sites but I have too many Gbs now.
That's alright! Is there anything that has ftp and resume? I guess this is mostly a higher level pay service.

I'm finding with these larger files it's taking to long to upload so therefore cutting off and having to re-start them again.

I use resume for downloads and DAP.

Try WinRAR, it gives you an option to create multiple files of a size that you specify, rather than one huge file.

Also, if you are concerned about privacy and/or security, both RAR and ZIP formats support encryption. To encrypt files you need to specify a password before archiving.
Try WinRAR, it gives you an option to create multiple files of a size that you specify, rather than one huge file.

Also, if you are concerned about privacy and/or security, both RAR and ZIP formats support encryption. To encrypt files you need to specify a password before archiving.

Yes , you can span them across a bunch of files.

I used to do this with large archives on old 1.44M floppies.