Defence Force Reserves

There's no such thing as artillery anymore, as they are just Mortars.

Artillery does exist!! So do mortars.

It will largely depend on what units are available in your area as to what you choose to do, and what jobs are available at the time you join up.

There are plenty of reservists that have deployed, mainly in Timor Leste and Solomon Islands.

The Army is looking to reduce the number of full time tradies and supplement them with reserves at the moment. That way your employer keeps your skills up and the ADF only puts you on the payroll when it needs to deploy you for a set purpose.

I'm currently serving full time, so I don't have any reserve experience that is relevant, but for some fun and a bit of fitness I'd recommend the Infantry. I just had 10 years doing it before my body had enough and had to change corps. The amount of training that you will do, will be completely dependent on the unit that you parade with.
I work a 2/2 2/4 roster.

2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off , 2 weeks on / 4 weeks off.

Geez, that's nice

2 weeks on then what I'd normally consider a years holiday and after a years holiday 2 weeks on and then two years holiday combined, come on Wirra it's called work for a reason :D