Demo granted on appeal...what next?

Hi guys, well it has taken 7 long months to finally get the go ahead on a demo of an Art Deco in a DCP area. Town planner talking about getting architect to look at 4-6 units/4 townhouses etc and not sure which way to go so thought I would seek some experienced advice on here!
It is an 822 block on herston rd. opp UQ entry. Res houses on either side, rented. Lots of units around along with some townhouses. It is currently single title and will prob leave that way unless we decide to sell on further down the track.

My gut says go with units, but I don't have much reasoning behind that, only that I think they would do better.

Any advice on why one might do better over the other.
Are we better doing 6 smaller units to aim towards students or going for 4 100sqm size to aim for professionals etc
Or 4 townhouses
Is there much difference in building costs of townhouses v units
It is close to brisbane hospital also

Also, what value per sqm should I aim for for this type of area, it is not high end but don't want cheap and basic either as feel over the long run it would cost more in replacement and repairs!,

This is my first project, can you tell? :)

Any and All help very appreciated...M