Desktop Valuation...?

Hi all

Just wanted some views on desktop valuation.

I am with CBA, and thinking of requesting a desktop val of my PPOR to see if I can extract some equity out for the next project - will help, as it will bring forward the next purchase by at least 4 to 5 months (if the val is as I expect!).

There has been sales on the street for similar properties (villas) which have been higher than the val I got in Sept last year, albeit these were street facing, and perhaps the land may have been a little bigger than mine (marginally!). I am unsure if much of this is picked up in a desktop val, and may work to my advantage.

I am aware it will hit my credit file.

Would appreciate some feedback.

Hi all

Just wanted some views on desktop valuation.

I am with CBA, and thinking of requesting a desktop val of my PPOR to see if I can extract some equity out for the next project - will help, as it will bring forward the next purchase by at least 4 to 5 months (if the val is as I expect!).

There has been sales on the street for similar properties (villas) which have been higher than the val I got in Sept last year, albeit these were street facing, and perhaps the land may have been a little bigger than mine (marginally!). I am unsure if much of this is picked up in a desktop val, and may work to my advantage.

I am aware it will hit my credit file.

Would appreciate some feedback.


Have you checked ?

Your broker can request a val before putting an application through thus, if no application to hitting on credit file.
My ANZ mortgage manager asks only few basic questions.
- Land size
- Building age and type
- number of rooms, bath & car space
- any renovations

So I assume that is all the desktop valuation needs.

You can always test it with to see if the latest sales are picked up.


pay 99 bucks for a Client ordered val

get val

if val sad, dont proceed, no credit hit


Thanks Devank and Rolf.

Is it still $99? Just wanted to try desktop val - rather than arranging time with someone etc... I know not good enough...
Just wanted to try desktop val - rather than arranging time with someone etc... I know not good enough...

I think we have had this chat before

Do you want to do whats right and get a useable result, or do whats convenient but likely a waste of time and resources :)

Nah, didnt think youd be the convenience type...........

I think we have had this chat before

Do you want to do whats right and get a useable result, or do whats convenient but likely a waste of time and resources :)

Nah, didnt think youd be the convenience type...........


Yes, do want the results.

I will sit with it and see what intuition comes up with :D and will be in touch if the gut says yes ;)
Hmm desktop vals...gotta love it when those things value a CoS transaction at 5% lower each and every time! Bank of Melbourne / St George are the biggest culprits in this.
Hmm desktop vals...gotta love it when those things value a CoS transaction at 5% lower each and every time! Bank of Melbourne / St George are the biggest culprits in this.

A little off topic but is it just me or does it seem like their upfront vals take forever to come in?


Hi all

Just wanted some views on desktop valuation.

I am with CBA, and thinking of requesting a desktop val of my PPOR to see if I can extract some equity out for the next project - will help, as it will bring forward the next purchase by at least 4 to 5 months (if the val is as I expect!).

There has been sales on the street for similar properties (villas) which have been higher than the val I got in Sept last year, albeit these were street facing, and perhaps the land may have been a little bigger than mine (marginally!). I am unsure if much of this is picked up in a desktop val, and may work to my advantage.

I am aware it will hit my credit file.

Would appreciate some feedback.

I'm new to this and thinking of getting my PPOR valued for the same reason.

If you get a val, does that come up and on your credit file? Is this a bad thing? Sorry if these are basic questions.
What would trigger the bank to go for a full val over a desktop val (LVR, poor estimate of value by client)?

The bank has a valuation assessment system, which takes into account different factors, but LVR is one of the main facotrs. It will also take into account previous valuations.