Distance to ADSL Exchange

Should the distance to the ADSL exchange be a factor when purchasing a house?

The following link provides you a heatmap.

My current flat is <1.5km and I'm loving the fast ADSL2+ speeds, whereas my folk's place could only get ADSL1 and was over 4.5km away from the nearest exchange.
I am currently renting and I am only 127m from the exchange... I absolutely Love my ADSL2+ speeds! :D
I can download at 22meg a second from some sites.... :eek:

Looking at buying a little house not too far from here, so hope I will still be able to get the fast speeds there too!
Should the distance to the ADSL exchange be a factor when purchasing a house?

Unless as a purchaser had a specific requirement for ADSL2 (say as a work at home IT person) then I think most people would find normal ADSL acceptable. Also wireless is getting faster with G4 coming soon.

It won't be an issue when Julia rolls out the NBN :rolleyes::D
Should the distance to the ADSL exchange be a factor when purchasing a house?
If there's no cable internet, it would be an *essential* thing for me to check out. Thankfully we have cable, because despite being well within the city, we're more than 6km from our exchange. We wouldn't re-buy this home if there were no cable.