Does age go company play a role at all?

Hi guys,

I have an old company that i am considering to wind down. This has been inactive for a few years now.

My main business/company is still active and is my main trading company.

Is it worthwhile to keep the company for future property/development opportunities. are there any benefits of having an "established" entity vs opening a new one?
Annual ASIC fee per annum for having a company doing nothig vs deregister and cost of opening a new company down the track.
Are there any nasties hidden in this company from years ago?
No hidden nasties. No accumulated tax losses.

Basically as said above, is it worth annual fees VS ANY benefit in using an "existing" company down the track as opposed to opening a new company?
Not a big drama but if applying for finance - lenders will want proof that it's not trading and has no ongoing liabilities (accountants letter works).

