Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

honestly, can anyone tell me why the PM rates and leasing fees for the general area are so darn expensive,

ive asked them before and I get the retarded answers of "oh we have to pay rent and wages for the PM"

its like they act as though they are the only agency in the country that have OMG overheads!!!

or is it a form of price collusion,

I dont see how in NSW metro where the wages and rents are far higher where they charge 5%+ gst,

some of the SA ones want 9%+ GST and wont budge

thats like mcdonalds saying they are going to charge 50% more in a certain area because they have rents to pay!!! bizzare!

Management fees aren't expensive compared with other cities.
I didnt know that, thats quite amazing,

I thought maccas pricing was teh same around the country

surely if they advertise a cheeseburger meal for $5 on tv, this would be the same everywhere

Stores can set their own pricing. All the ones here in Perth are +/- 5 or 10c of each other.
It's not really collusion either, they all know what each other charge. The reality is properties in some areas require more managing than property in ither areas because if the demographic that rents them. My Adelaide IP has a much lower management fee than the Perth IP despite the areas being fairly similiar demographically.
It's not really collusion either, they all know what each other charge. The reality is properties in some areas require more managing than property in ither areas because if the demographic that rents them. My Adelaide IP has a much lower management fee than the Perth IP despite the areas being fairly similiar demographically.

Perths more expensive for basically everything.
Adelaide PM's are in the middle out of all the states IMO. Definitely a justifiable expense.
honestly, can anyone tell me why the PM rates and leasing fees for the general area are so darn expensive,

I dont see how in NSW metro where the wages and rents are far higher where they charge 5%+ gst,

some of the SA ones want 9%+ GST and wont budge

It's simple really... 9% of the rent in Elizabeth at say $220/wk is $19.80.

5% of the rent in Sydney at $500/wk is $25.

I know what I'd rather take on if I were a PM.
I have a property in Vic whos rent is 180 per week at 7.7%

I also have a property in notoriously bad area who's rent is 200 and management ranges from 7 to 11%

If one can do it for 7, then I think it's reasonable to expect others to do so
Or go find someone who will rather than whinging about it?

1. Im not whigning about it, I just wanted to know the exact reason for the prices
2. I approached 8 agencies and the lowest I could get was 8%+GST, even with multiple
3. I dont mind paying high $$ if there is a valid justification, I just hate being lied to or given a BS excuse
4.if you could tell me the 7%+GST group and their service is decent, ill change in a heatbeat
1. Im not whigning about it, I just wanted to know the exact reason for the prices
2. I approached 8 agencies and the lowest I could get was 8%+GST, even with multiple
3. I dont mind paying high $$ if there is a valid justification, I just hate being lied to or given a BS excuse
4.if you could tell me the 7%+GST group and their service is decent, ill change in a heatbeat

REMAX rural and urban do 7%.
from peoples experience what is the typical tenant in the area?

we looked at a place a few weeks ago, couple with a young child, few dogs and cats out the back, birds/rats etc inside in cages ,we assume they are on the dole/ newstart which from the website would be like nearly 1000 dollars a week. more than enough to pay 250-300 a week rent..

they seemed nice enough and kept the place in pretty good condition really and were up to date with rent.

any thoughts? if we were to do vacant posession upon settlement which I assume would be hard if not impossible to do, redvertising would this likely lead to a similar type of tenant pool?
(plus ethically id feel bad about forcing a family out of their home.)
Majority of tenants in the area are ones who are there for affordability reasons rather than actually wanting to be there. I doubt many are there by choice. I'd say Centerlink would be employer of choice in the area.
I had my dads house advertised on gumtree and received 10+ calls from couple and they all seemed to be receiving $1000 between them.

I would recommend searching for someone who actually has a job.
Single mothers seemed to be getting less money so definatly avoid them.

My best advice is to find someone working. Even though the $1000 a week sounds good. Most people who don't work in Elizabeth find a lot of other things to spend their money other than rent
$1000 per week!! if thats true, im in the wrong business

I thought newstart/dole was like $275ish per week,
so thats $550 per couple per week, and I believe you cant stay on newstart for ever before you actually get a job, or make you work for the dole, or put you on the highest stream, or recommend you into disability
$1000 per week!! if thats true, im in the wrong business

I thought newstart/dole was like $275ish per week,
so thats $550 per couple per week, and I believe you cant stay on newstart for ever before you actually get a job, or make you work for the dole, or put you on the highest stream, or recommend you into disability

At the end of the timeframe, it seems some centrelink recipients will say they're depressed and get on 'disability' which pays more. I have relatives in Adelaide who do this.
$1000 per week!! if thats true, im in the wrong business

I thought newstart/dole was like $275ish per week,
so thats $550 per couple per week, and I believe you cant stay on newstart for ever before you actually get a job, or make you work for the dole, or put you on the highest stream, or recommend you into disability

whoops my bad $465.50 partnered is the fortnightly rate (not weekly) i too thought it was a lot for centrelink but thats a baseline I guess they would be on additional benefits with a kid, rent assistance etc

looked on centrelink website
Sydney PMs have more traffic to deal with, and higher living costs and operating costs so it makes sense they get more absolute dollars per property.

Other states are easier and cheaper, but charge higher %. Although they earn similar or a little bit less than Sydney.

ACT all were charging flat 10% plus GST. It's easier now but had to negotiate hard 5 years ago just to get a reasonable 7.7.
We live in such a lucky country!!!!

over the past few months, ive met one 50 yr old, living in government subsidised accomodation paying $70 per week, while receiving $1000 per forntight on disability, (not sure what his disability is) all he does every day is smoke bongs, drink goons and generally being a nuisance...however by god he is a funny guy

another 17 yr old, who apparently has ADHD, cant stop getting into trouble from picking fights, kicking over rubbish bins, smoking bongs, drinking jack daniels at 9am, playing pokies and generally being an annoying little brat. He is in permanent disability as well

Is there any other country in the world that pays $1000 per fortnight?????
This is probably the topic for another thread TMNT

Not sure how Centrelink stuff ever got mixed up with Elizabeth stuff :cool:

But yea, it is a bloody lucky country. Lucky that I'm not in politics but I'd kick them all off of welfare.
This is probably the topic for another thread TMNT

Not sure how Centrelink stuff ever got mixed up with Elizabeth stuff :cool:

But yea, it is a bloody lucky country. Lucky that I'm not in politics but I'd kick them all off of welfare.

very true,
many of my tenants are on welfare, so I wouldnt kick them off welfare!!!!