End of the world predicted for June 30th this year - or at least a lunar eclipse

Keep an eye out for the signs of impending doom!

Over the next few months there will be several spectacular galactic events which astronomers tell us we’ll be able to see from our own back yards. The first, on May 4th is a total lunar eclipse, which happens when the moon, sun and earth are in line.

When the moon travels into the earth’s shadow it becomes tinged with sunlight reflected through the earth’s atmosphere. The result gives the moon an eerie coppery orange glow.

The second event, on May 6th, is when two comets, called NEAT and LINEAR come within approximately 39,790,000 kilometres of the earth, which, with a little luck will make them visible to the naked eye. The last comet to be visible from earth was the Hale-Boop comet in 1997.

The third galactic event doesn’t occur until June 8…..
Source: Quartile Research


and I just finished reading a book in which an intergalactic empire used comets to gather and store the collective memories of doomed civilisations..............gulp !! :eek:
Aceyducey do you work for 20th Century Fox secretly promoting the upcoming movie "DAY AFTER TOMMORROW".. All these doom and gloom threads lately :p

Can't wait to see that movie.. Looks like another Independence Day but no aliens... I had a chance to talk to that movie director on one ocasion regarding ID4. Very interesting and straight to the point type of guy.