Establishing an Unlisted Property Fund

Hi there,

I've been reading posts here for quite a few months now as a guest, but now have finally registered. We work 'n live overseas but intend to migrate to QLD in a few years (our papers should be through this year, but we need some more time to save before we make the move). Since 2004 we've been building up our portfolio which due to FIRB restrictions was either new builds or off the plan, anyway overall it is going reasonably according to plan and now have a portfolio of 10 IPs spread across QLD and aiming to grow further in QLD and move into the other states.

Living overseas I meet a lot of people who are interested in what we're doing but for many the hurdles are too big and this has brought me to think of establishing an Unlisted Property Fund, but one with a reasonable fee structure (not a 5% fee on entry, a 2% annual managment fee, a 20% performance fee and a 3 exit fee! :mad:).

Has anybody looked into this? I realize that as soon as you start marketing this it becomes a Managed Investment Scheme with all the ASIC regulations to comply with :eek:... which makes it less attractive.

Has anybody got any experience in raising capital like this or any other innovative way?

Hi Non Resident

If you are satisfied with your investment strategy so far, i.e. working within FIRB limits, simply setup your Unit Trust in a jurisdiction outside of Australia and sell/promote your units to only non residents. This should divorce you from Australian regulation.

Cheers, Paul