Ever heard of "Property Support Group" ?

Someone called me on the phone offering to show me about building positively geared property (something about 12 months - I suppose he meant it will be +ve in 12 months). And wanted my name and address. Apparently they went around various cities running some sort of presentation about this.

I didn't go to the presentation so I am not sure about the details. I am wondering if anyone has come across them.

They said their company is called "Property Support Group"
How to set up a property spruking company

STEP 1: Build some properties in 2nd rate areas of regional cities, the cheaper the land the better

STEP 2: Inflate price by 50% above market and offer a rental guarantee of 8% for 2 years

STEP 3: Engage telemarketting company to flog properties to city folk

STEP 4: PROFIT !!!!!

STEP 5: Move to a country out of reach of the ASIC

Hi Alex

Im glad you said in GENERAL

In my view, Cold Calling is a legit form of starting a new business. Its only one of the many methods, and its damn hard work these days.

If you are a brand new kid on the block its still one of the best ways to aquire a customer base.

How do I know ? I was one of those pesky telemarketers when i first started out on my own, rather than defer to a TM company, I did my own "dirty" work and generally enjoyed it.

Fair comment. I've had good experiences with telemarketers on things like cable TV, phone deals, etc. Just be wary of any cold callers that promise you a deal that sounds too good to be true. By all means check them out, but don't sign anything and don't pay any money until you know what is going on.
Geez aren't we all a suspicious bunch tonight?!! :p .......

Though your comment cracked me up, Y-Man :D

ASIC search revealed there is indeed a company with this registered name QLD BN18843396 is their no. if you wanted to do some more digging around, Muppie.

But, I tend to agree with the current sentiment- we are your property support group :) Whether it's stumps or otherwise, we're here to help!
So fire away with the questions, Mup. Fastest way to learn!!