fed up with the constant changing of strata managers

Hi All

Well I had the straw that broke the camels back and finally decided that with the change to yet another strata manager its time to finally move on. Over the last 6 years we have had 5 strata managers. As you may appreciate with each new strata manager there is this massive retraining that needs to happens to bring them up to speed and with the associated argy bargy now is the time to move to this end I have included an agenda item in the AGM to appoint a new strata manager. (spoke to these people more than a year ago)

My problem is that this is new territory for me and not for the strata manager, so a few questions for those who have trodden this path previously.

Have Motion on the agenda for the AGM but the strata manager has inserted a motion to reappoint themselves prior to my motion. What will this mean as far as the flow of discussions? It's worded in such a way that some other members may feel that they have to vote this through first.

Obviously they are going to play games as I should have been sent 2 AGM notices for 2 seperate lot owned by different entities but only received 1, maybe they are hoping that I wouldn't fill in the proxy forms to appoint myself.

Also with any proxies that the SM gets, can they vote on whether to appoint themselves? This surely would be a massive conflict of interest.

I am doing this for 2 different strata's at the same time - an hour and a half apart (meeting wise).

The agreements are expired and are just rolling. One strata has a 3 month notice, the other a 1 month notice (at any time if authorised by an appropriate resolution - I assume that the AGM is appropriate). With giving notice do I need to bring the letter giving notice to the AGM and serve them ones we have voted for the appointment of a new manager? Should I have could I have already given notice without a full meeting in readiness for the meeting?

Also it is going to be rather awkward for everybody in this notice period so is there any way around this, namely pay them the 1 / 3 months of management fees and call it quits.

No doubt there are more issues but that will do for now.

Hi Andy,firstly with the proxies. If they are given to the SM then yes they will vote how they want (to appoint themselves).

What is your motion? To change Strata managers? or to appoint a specific strata manager?

Why is it changing so often? People must be voting for it to change.
At one of my units I was unhappy with the SM form my first meeting (July 08). Second meeting (July 09) I decided it was time to take a stand. I got quotes from other companies and called an extraordinary meeting with the agenda to appoint a new SM. We voted and gave the old SM notice.

Not sure how it will go at an AGM.

I've sent a PM with details of SM i like.

My motion is to change SM company.

When I mentioned the changes in SM I meant the specific person from the SM who was managing the property.

When you gave the old SM notice was it the 3 months? Then what happened during the 3 months or did you pay them out with 3 months management fees and call it quits. I feel that if we need to hand around for the 3 months things will just not work at all, they already changed attitude since inserting the motion even though I am still involved in 2 other strata's with this company.

My mail box was full so didn't get your PM.

Hi Andy. Our contract said 1 months notice so that's what we gave. After the one month the new agent just picked up all the documentation.

If you are only changing people and not companies it shouldn't
t need changing at a meeting. Just tell the company you want someone else or you're walking. I'm confused as to needing to give 3 months notice if you are not sacking the SM.
So are you saying you have had 3 different managers within the same agent and they are no good? If so why are you not just changing companies?

The company I changed to (which is one I have for my other unit) did most of the work for me. I rang the director and he sent me a pack on how to change and he helped draft letters etc.