FHOG for house on land owned by parents

I heard today that FHOG can be claimed for erection of a council approved separate dwelling on land owned by someone else.

Does anyone have info on this, in particular can the second dwelling be attached or built onto existing house aka granny flat to be used by own family member? The FHOG info line was not very helpful and refused to define what a "separate dwelling" was, they just insisted it had to be a separate dwelling in council's eyes.

Our daughter could put a super cheap cabin on our rural block and claim $24k FHOG in NSW which would almost cover cost of a rustic little cabin. Only problem I see is council demanding dual occupancy which adds another 20k cost which we cannot afford. So I wonder if council would define a residential class 1A studio as a separate dwelling without us having to come up with the money for dual occ.cost. We previously converted a studio into a 2nd dwelling somewhere else, but had to pay for dual occ. cost and change of use etc.

Any ideas on how to get around this?

I think that FHOG is paid because the person entitled to the FHOG will have clear title and it is their FIRST home.
If you do a dual occ on someone elses land and dont then separate out the title to make the new lot yours, the Govt would be paying the FHOG to the original owner, a person who is already a land title-holder. This would not make sense in terms of who the grant is meant to help. It is called the FIRST home owners grant for a reason.
You don't actually own your house. You own the land it stands on, which means you also own everything on the land.

If your daughter builds on your property then it does not belong to her, it belongs to you. Therefore I can't see that the FHOG would apply as she is not a home-owner.

But things may be different in different states.