Floating Floorboards over termites

well, not the actual termites itself but if I have a property thats got a few minor termite issues with the termites long gone,

if I go over the them with floating floorboards, will a building inspectiong reveal the termites underneath, and from a sale pespective, how can it affect resale,
I understand from a rental, as long as the boards sit flat then no problems what soever
If a building and pest guy is able to see the underneath side of the boards, he will write in his report that there is evidence of termite damage.
Most older properties have had termites in them at some stage. I live in the inner west (Sydney) and I assume all properties around here have had termites, so I don't see it as a big deal. I would be suspicious of a B&P report on a property around here that didn't mention them.
Also be aware that anywhere a B&P inspector cannot see he will probably cover with something along the lines of "floating floor boards mean I could not inspect the original floorboards" so you may have issues anyway if you ever sell.