Forum lunch in Melbourne?

Hi everyone,

There's been some talk in the various forum discussion areas of lunches held in various cities. Are these for forum members and are there any planned in the near future for Melbourne? What normally goes on at these lunches?



Good idea Chantal,

there was discussion re: this the other night in the chat room & we had concluded that we should bring it up at our next MSN/Somersoft IP Group meeting to see who would like to organise it, suggestions, etc... so that we can post details... if you have any suggestions or would like to come to the next meeting (details to be posted soon, looks like it will be on the 29th of April, evening) we could all discuss it further...


Great idea Manny........we should all starting fishing around for a suitable venue before the meeting, hopefully it will make the selection easier.

Cya on the 29th!

Ruby :)