FREE Options Trading Seminar for Sydney & Melbourne

Ya might want to re-read my post mate, because it is nothing like what Jerry was exposed to in this thread. Using that one post when it obviously relates to another thread as well as the one in which it is posted is a bit ridiculous don't you think?

For those of you that would like to see it, but didn't click the link, here it is (i have nothing to hide or be embarrassed about):
You're unbelieveable, mate. In the original post, you had only two tickets. Now, it suddenly becomes five. You reckon you're like Jesus with his loaves and fishes or what? Then you seriously expect anyone to believe you actually PAID for the tickets out of your own pocket? Mate, you have caught the scammer bug for your buddy Henry Kaye and are now trying to infect this forum with it.

'no hat, some cattle'

Jerry is offering FREE seats to forum members at his presentation. Khurram was trying to get people to believe he actually paid for the tickets he was offering out of the goodness of his heart. He tried to be sneaky about the seminar he was offering tickets to, Jerry is being quite open.

If you are going to compare posts, at least try and use ones that are similar.

Just for your information, I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to Rixter hassling Jerry and Asy's (supposed) threats of cutting the thread if Jerry didn't publicly let everyone know the price of the three day deal.

Robert was absolutely right about the forum moderators taking their powers too far (well, some of them, anyway). Maybe they are just being cautious because of some threats of litigation or whatever, but I don't see how this thread falls into that category.

Sim and Ian, might I suggest you have a few words to moderators about what is and isn't appropriate behaviour in regards to 'policing' the forums? I believe that we do live in a free society and that unless posts do carry the possibility of litigation, they not be removed. Everyone has the right to an opinion and the right to express it.

I thought that was what this forum was about, maybe I am wrong?

'no hat, some cattle (but the herd is growing)'
G'day all,

whats the problem with putting the price on here

In my experience, there may be several reasons why Jerry might not want to post this:-

1. The evening seminar will be geared toward "dressing up" the 3 or 4 day seminar. Often, this is done in a regimented way, to produce the best effect. And the presenters would want to address this "without the audience having prior knowledge of the intended price". It all helps with the buildup.

2. A large price tag AHEAD of time would tend to "turn people off" from even going to the evening seminar, so the marketing of the following workshop would be "derailed" before it even got started.

3. Jerry has made an offer to all Somersoft members to "rock up" for FREE. As has already been said, one can often glean useful info from these 2 - 3 hour seminars. However, in "doing this deal", Jerry may well be "under instructions" to NOT reveal the follow-up seminar, or any of the details pertaining to it.

People, let's cut Jerry some slack here. "To tell, or not to tell" may be quite out of his hands.

And, as a followup to others' comments:-

Jerry, can you post some detail about the speakers (who they are, what they've done, etc.) as it is likely that many of us have not been involved too deeply with either Options, or the people who are the "guru's" of them !!!

I've heard of only one or two of the more "well-known" names, so any other names mentioned would require a bit of their history displayed

I'd like to make one point here.

Jerry has been a member of this community for at least ? two years.

Unlike most who advertise similar events he is not some blow in who is purely here to use the forum for his own benifit when it is convenient for him . He has put the yards in and has met many of the sydney forumites over this period at various meetings

No one is asking people to fly across the continent to attend if they don't want to . That is your decision.

While I can understand ( and have participated in at times ) the " cop " mentality that some posts attract I feel that in this case it is unjustified.

If you don't want to go , don't go

see change

:) :D
Besides everything that has been said on this subject which is all correct. The point remains - If theres nothing wrong with the price of the 3 day seminar then why not put it up here?
I am a newbie here ...however I would like to strongly disagree with you..
You cant expect Jerry to tell you how much the 3 day seminar is worth, if he chooses to first demonstrate the value of what he is going to talk about in those 3 days...and the expected, verifiable benefits one might expect out of such a seminar.

Unlike property seminars, options seminars aren't that well publicized and hence a potential attendee needs to be convinced of the value before being told.."how much"...

It is infact the first rule of direct marketing....If Jerry bases his proposition on that principle and even asking to waive the initial $55 for the 3 hour seminar, then I believe he is NOT doing anything wrong...
You can question him and even grill him about the value of his proposition after you give him an opportunity to talk... I am sure he would give you the opportunity to question him...and you may choose to tell him its a rip-off, once you listen to what he has to say...

Jerry being a frequent poster and part of this forum is trying to initiate a business and he should be given an opportunity to demonstrate his expertise and credibility before being mocked by the very members who should be a bit more supportive...

(and no...I dont know Jerry from bar of soap....and definitely not part of the Options seminar..thought I would clear this up)

hmmn....(Warning Heavy Sarcasm Below)

i would just like to thank you guys for wasting my time on reading this post....

can perhaps the moderators place a warning on post such as these....they seem to be becoming alot more regular lately.

something like....

" Warning the following post contains an argument that is of no use to your inquiring mind. Particularly if you would like to LEARN something."

In a perfect world the forum would be for learning and sharing experiences with LIKE MINDED people.

Perhaps we should know when to let it go....and reconise a marketing ploy when we see one...

Then we can move on to a subject that we can actually get something out of instead of the feeling I am getting now...which is reading this post.

Well I hope i didnt waste too much of your time...and I'm off to learn something constructive which i believe is what this forum was intended for....

Hey, Mitch,

You're in the "Coffee Lounge" mate - anything goes !!!

Don't get too bent out of shape..... Just stick to the other forums and you'll be fine :D

hahaha!!.........there must be someone standing behind you twisting your arm forcing you to to read this thread:):)...........

Originally posted by mitchmakhan
hmmn....(Warning Heavy Sarcasm Below)

i would just like to thank you guys for wasting my time on reading this post....

can perhaps the moderators place a warning on post such as these....they seem to be becoming alot more regular lately.

something like....

" Warning the following post contains an argument that is of no use to your inquiring mind. Particularly if you would like to LEARN something."

In a perfect world the forum would be for learning and sharing experiences with LIKE MINDED people.

Perhaps we should know when to let it go....and reconise a marketing ploy when we see one...

Then we can move on to a subject that we can actually get something out of instead of the feeling I am getting now...which is reading this post.

Well I hope i didnt waste too much of your time...and I'm off to learn something constructive which i believe is what this forum was intended for....

Ok - forget the price. If Jerry doesn't want to tell then that's up to him. If you were selling a commodity (like a car or a washing machine) and I called you up for a price, and you refused to disclose, my business would go elsewhere. Now I realise your education is not a "commodity" sold by everyone - but I'm just making the point.

I know the reasons why you don't want to disclose the price - you want to explain the benefits, you want to create the desire, you might even want to use FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) to entice people into taking the seminar, before hitting people with the price. I'm not criticising you, just pointing out a fact. You're not alone in doing this.

But here's my question:

If I go to the seminar I fully expect that you will use it to outline the potential benefits of participating in the 3 day seminar. As PaulZag notes, most people are intelligent enough to realise there's no such thing as a free lunch, and that this is a marketing ploy. If I attend this seminar are you going to let me make up my own mind about attending the 3-day seminar or will there be badgering, pressure sales tactics, ongoing phone calls for months and months afterwards etc, trying get me to take the 3-day seminar?

Or perhaps I can ask the question even simpler: by what process do you try and encourage people to participate in the 3-day sales seminar?

So for all the posts .....

I went along last night,,, It was interesting & well worth the travel.. It was a different approach used ,,, well to me any way,,

I had the blinds up & the binkers on.. I am as tight with my dosh as the next person ,,,

The speaker was Green & you could tell that,, And you could tell that he was teaching his own style not someone elses.

I have have traded for 7 years & never used these option trading

For those about the price...for the 3 day seminar???
Well lets just say it was not to expensive,, But there are reasons for the amount not being issued to the general public..

One reason ,, that It was a one off & I beleive there was a third party envolved with the marketing. That seemed to be the main reason.

As the marketing team did not know what to charge to break even they were going to leave it open to the end..

What it was worth,,, Well lets just say I traded at 10.30 today & look forward to a 4% gain on Monday..using his method,,, No sure thing but it is shares after all. But I did learn enough to have a go now & it was free...

I have not paid $$$$ to go to the next level ,,, but if the next few trades go well I will be there,, Fully paid for I might add from the initial Free invitation

But I would like to thank jerry for the invitation & the FREE information given to me to enable to trade today..
I DID learn some tricks not explained to me in the past.

Many thanks ,,,

I just wish another date could of been arranged for the speaker to do,, I would of liked to take a few associates along ,,,,But he obviously doesn't enjoy the seminar enviroment. ANd that's fair enough ,,, I don't either

cheers ocean view
Kevmeister ,

After the intro nights i'll give you a call and just ask you a few questions like
1. what do you like about the seminar?
2. what do you dislike about the seminar?
3. why didn't you sign up?

thats the only 3 questions that i'll ask you thats it?
No more phone call from me after that
if you are not interested in signing up
cos i doesn't want to waste my time or your time
even though i have a lot of free time
cos i don't work anymore i just trade options now
